“Wow, what a hilarious game. Every game Ive played where Nuffle has punished me, was all made up for in this game. First half started with the Dudes getting the ball from kick off on a wonderful rainy day. Trouble getting the ball into recievers hands, but proved to be a TD after about 6 turns and a mish mosh of hits between both teams. Dudes kick off goes weather turns to Perfect BB weather. Maybe it was a down poor and the field was still wet, because niether team could pick up the ball after the change. The second half was a hard half to be in for xenon. he made several good plays only to be kicked in the nuts when trying to pick up the ball. On turn 16 he failed to pick it up on an easy trounce in for a tie. He failed of course. To make matter worse the ball then bounced 2 squares into Wrangler Barns' hands. The Orcs Line man dodged and then threw a marvelous pass to Luggo Lasso's hands, where he walked in for the TD.
Thanks Xenon for the game. I feel bad about the terrible luck, but atleast you walked away unscathed.”
“Well what a game. If it wasn't for the fact that nuffle didn't want any of my players to die against this team, I would have been upset.
Thankfully these Orcs only managed a single BH in the entire match and my team escaped unskathed.
This helped me keep my sense of humour and as keggiemckill says this match was hilarious, with some of the most random things happenning and all of them thanks to nuffle!
The main good thing about this game was the fact that I got the 5 SPPs and enough gold to buy back that 2nd wolf.
Thanks for the game and maybe a rematch will be on the cards next round ;-)”
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Thanks Xenon for the game. I feel bad about the terrible luck, but atleast you walked away unscathed.”