“Why do I allow myself to be convinced in to accepting matches I initially decide are bad?
The luck shows part of how poor the game was... the actual play of things is much worse:
The first sign that the game was going to be be me vs the dice was when he used his Apoth to save a niggled player - YAH! that means I wont cause a single cas in the match.
I win the flip and recieve (The only thing I do win).
T1 Perfect Defense means I can't even throw blocks or get many players down field.
He RR's a Push result in the LOS into a pow.
T2 2nd action a dodge with RR fails, my Thrower BH's himself in the process.
He RR's a push to pow my best Blitzer and BH's him too. He manages the pick up.
T3 He stalls the TD after I fail to do anything
T4 He scores
I have 9 players to set up. He gets a perfect kick - right in the corner on half way.
T5 I fail the GFI to reach the ball with a RR.
He collects the ball
T6 I manage to get the ball to drop to the ground, he RR's a push early in the turn, and later fails his pick up.
T7 I make an ugly play to pick up and just run deep in hope that mabey he'll fail something and I'll score (unlikely)
He manages the Pow on the ball carrier and Stuns him, GFI twice and pick up.
T8 I fail the first 2+ dodge, burning a RR, then later fail the 2+ pick up to score. He fouls to BH my 2nd Blitzer. Doesn't get kicked off foul fouling, even with the eye.
Setting up 9 again. Back Kick gives him a touch back.
T1 He RR's yet another push.
I fail my 2nd action with dbl 1's on a dodge.
T3 He manages to Pass, Catch, Hand off... with no RR available, since he used it to RR a push earlier in the Turn.
My T3 a hand off burns a RR.
T4 Dbl 1's yet again 1st action
T5 He RR's a 'Both down' result on my thrower with the ball into a Push. I'm fairly certain if he took the both down, I wouldn't have recovered the play.
My T5 I manage to do an Elven play!!! Dodge, Long Pass, Catch in TZ, Dodge, Score.
Gets a QuickSnap, and a touchback.
T6 He dbl skulls on the 2nd block, but has the RR - first actual thing he failed early in a turn. Stuns 2/3 on the LOS, and hits the remaining one with 14 dice but fails to get the Pow (BloDge LineElf).
T7 He dodge from my shadower successfully 5 times, before failing one - it was his last player to move.
I manage to blitz the ball carrier, but the scatter goes to the blitzing player who catches it... supprise... why the fuck that rule was changed I have no idea. On any other scatter I had a scoring chance, or atleast a better chance to defend.
Becomes irrelevant about my scoring chances when my only player that could move in range to score rolls dbl 1's on his dodge to get in range for T8.
T8 He Blitzes the ball carrier - Pow, Picks up in a TZ, Passes in a TZ. My AG5 Pass Blocker can get in the way... but fails the Int with his Catch skill anyway. Catches the ball, scores
He gets perfect D, so I can't even really block players easily.
I roll dbl 1's on my pass to try get a SPP to end the game in good measure.
The luck shows part of how poor the game was... the actual play of things is much worse:
The first sign that the game was going to be be me vs the dice was when he used his Apoth to save a niggled player - YAH! that means I wont cause a single cas in the match.
I win the flip and recieve (The only thing I do win).
T1 Perfect Defense means I can't even throw blocks or get many players down field.
He RR's a Push result in the LOS into a pow.
T2 2nd action a dodge with RR fails, my Thrower BH's himself in the process.
He RR's a push to pow my best Blitzer and BH's him too. He manages the pick up.
T3 He stalls the TD after I fail to do anything
T4 He scores
I have 9 players to set up. He gets a perfect kick - right in the corner on half way.
T5 I fail the GFI to reach the ball with a RR.
He collects the ball
T6 I manage to get the ball to drop to the ground, he RR's a push early in the turn, and later fails his pick up.
T7 I make an ugly play to pick up and just run deep in hope that mabey he'll fail something and I'll score (unlikely)
He manages the Pow on the ball carrier and Stuns him, GFI twice and pick up.
T8 I fail the first 2+ dodge, burning a RR, then later fail the 2+ pick up to score. He fouls to BH my 2nd Blitzer. Doesn't get kicked off foul fouling, even with the eye.
Setting up 9 again. Back Kick gives him a touch back.
T1 He RR's yet another push.
I fail my 2nd action with dbl 1's on a dodge.
T3 He manages to Pass, Catch, Hand off... with no RR available, since he used it to RR a push earlier in the Turn.
My T3 a hand off burns a RR.
T4 Dbl 1's yet again 1st action
T5 He RR's a 'Both down' result on my thrower with the ball into a Push. I'm fairly certain if he took the both down, I wouldn't have recovered the play.
My T5 I manage to do an Elven play!!! Dodge, Long Pass, Catch in TZ, Dodge, Score.
Gets a QuickSnap, and a touchback.
T6 He dbl skulls on the 2nd block, but has the RR - first actual thing he failed early in a turn. Stuns 2/3 on the LOS, and hits the remaining one with 14 dice but fails to get the Pow (BloDge LineElf).
T7 He dodge from my shadower successfully 5 times, before failing one - it was his last player to move.
I manage to blitz the ball carrier, but the scatter goes to the blitzing player who catches it... supprise... why the fuck that rule was changed I have no idea. On any other scatter I had a scoring chance, or atleast a better chance to defend.
Becomes irrelevant about my scoring chances when my only player that could move in range to score rolls dbl 1's on his dodge to get in range for T8.
T8 He Blitzes the ball carrier - Pow, Picks up in a TZ, Passes in a TZ. My AG5 Pass Blocker can get in the way... but fails the Int with his Catch skill anyway. Catches the ball, scores
He gets perfect D, so I can't even really block players easily.
I roll dbl 1's on my pass to try get a SPP to end the game in good measure.
FF goes down, and no winnings.