#3 Little bit of Rage – Broken Ribs (MNG) #3 Little bit of Rage – Smashed Knee (NI)
“The ongoing question of whether the Ancients need to enter a rebuilding stage was answered today with the second veteran wolf succumbing to a niggling injury. The rebuilding stage is now mandatory as their quest for vengeance is not yet over.
“Another game to add to the season bizarre that it was. Whilst the Vanguard were desperately seeking for a win, it would have done them alot more good actually winning this game. Instead it was all over by turn 2, or perhaps a couple of turns after it. We'd gotten into good position on the defence, only to bumble our chance and watch Little bit of Rage run away with the ball. Unfortunately for the ancients, he lost it on the line and niggled himself.
When Slasher retired to the KO bin shortly after it turned into something of a non-event.
Big loss for the ancients, question is, will they be able to recover after relying on their two hounds for so long? I hope so.
Twahnlow Votes
3 votes: Little Bit of Rage
Didn't last long on the field, but until the GFI he was responsible for the closest chance to a try they got.
2 votes: #6 Kill Junior
Avoided a surf and made a hit on the ball carrier second half before ko'ing himself on a dodge.
1 vote: Slasher Puppie
Sat on the ko bench most of the game, but still did one cas. ”
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Tough game to play
3 Black Ice the only score
2 Twilight viel some good trench work for an elf
1 Phantom Nabigator. ohh so close”