“Early in the morning before daybreak, one of our Assistent Coaches lurched over to the Silent Assassins teams mess hall and droped a few pellets in there breakfest slop (the pellets where of the veriety you find after a pack of rats have eaten a hardy meal). Who ever said assistent coaches aren't usefull.
Well it seemed to do the trick, all game the dark elf team kept throwing-up and where to busy to pick up the ball, throw it, or even run with out falling over in pain. This made the game quite easy for the Spawn of Hell Pit, who just ran around the downed dark elves and walked in for three touchdowns (It could have been more but the gutter runners where being generous and gave the ball to a lineman, so he could share in some of the glory). Scourge, after making the touchdown, must have been truely inspired and managed to Badly Hurt one of the Dark Elf teams many lineman.
I don't think the Dark Elves where pleased with the Skaven teamwork, generousity, and them getting hit by a filthy rat; so one of the Witch Elves took it unto herself to dispose of poor Scourge. She blitzed him as he was about to make his second touchdown and pushed him repeatedly untill he tripped into the stands where a group of the Silent Assassins more evil fans where waiting to kill and maim the poor linerat.
This game is dedicated to poor Scourge (a Star Player if he only was given the chance)”
Well it seemed to do the trick, all game the dark elf team kept throwing-up and where to busy to pick up the ball, throw it, or even run with out falling over in pain. This made the game quite easy for the Spawn of Hell Pit, who just ran around the downed dark elves and walked in for three touchdowns (It could have been more but the gutter runners where being generous and gave the ball to a lineman, so he could share in some of the glory). Scourge, after making the touchdown, must have been truely inspired and managed to Badly Hurt one of the Dark Elf teams many lineman.
I don't think the Dark Elves where pleased with the Skaven teamwork, generousity, and them getting hit by a filthy rat; so one of the Witch Elves took it unto herself to dispose of poor Scourge. She blitzed him as he was about to make his second touchdown and pushed him repeatedly untill he tripped into the stands where a group of the Silent Assassins more evil fans where waiting to kill and maim the poor linerat.
This game is dedicated to poor Scourge (a Star Player if he only was given the chance)”