“Well it was a black day for the Dead Boys... Nuffle snuffled any chance of scoring with some fantastic kickoff results for the opposition. The Undead drives amounted to nothing every time.
The injuries also kept mounting luck however was on the deadies side when it came to regen... that said Prince Horus thought he had earned a break and played the wounded soldier in the KO box for two drives and that was the undeads un-ravelling... (geddit).
Flossy had his own share of terrible luck including a rather impressive gfi into the endzone that resulted in a thrower eating some fine turf. That said Flossy has made a formidable team and with all the blitzers armed with guard it makes blocking them difficult... they hunt in pairs! Kill them!
His Black Orcs didnt do quite so well... one running away from two skellies who were calling him names. The others just tying up the mummies by falling over periodically.
Great game and I enjoyed it very much... would have liked a few more cas and a conselation TD but today wasnt my day!
Flossy is a great coach just watch out for the Blitzers. lol”
You put up a fair fight! It's only the guard boys that saved me, with the SI'd, and 2 KO'd Black Orcs as usual :O)
A great game.... kept it interesting and close till the last minute - but the perfect defence and blitz gave me the advantage I needed to turn the drives in my favour.
A great coach and a great game. Thanks! ”
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The injuries also kept mounting luck however was on the deadies side when it came to regen... that said Prince Horus thought he had earned a break and played the wounded soldier in the KO box for two drives and that was the undeads un-ravelling... (geddit).
Flossy had his own share of terrible luck including a rather impressive gfi into the endzone that resulted in a thrower eating some fine turf. That said Flossy has made a formidable team and with all the blitzers armed with guard it makes blocking them difficult... they hunt in pairs! Kill them!
His Black Orcs didnt do quite so well... one running away from two skellies who were calling him names. The others just tying up the mummies by falling over periodically.
Great game and I enjoyed it very much... would have liked a few more cas and a conselation TD but today wasnt my day!
Flossy is a great coach just watch out for the Blitzers. lol”