“There was a single turn in the first half in which the humans threw a whole mess of pows (getting all 3 of their CASs, if I remember correctly) and my apoth failed when trying to save my dauntless beastman (who was working on getting multiple block =| ).
Aside from that turn, every single roll went my way, I think.
Ok, it wasn't that bad, but I can't recall the last time I played a game that I rolled so well in. Poor Daragor, on the other hand, was rolling like a Yugo, which is to say, poorly. Turn 2 of the second half is particularly amazing when I throw about 6-8 blocks (all starting with 1 die, I think) and put someone down on EVERY SINGLE ROLL. Outright madness!
It was a fun match and D's a good coach. Even in the face of a Nuffle-Smack-Down he still kept at it and I am anxiously looking forward to the rematch. Maybe he can avenge some of those TDs and I can avent some of those CAS's.
“Not to take anything away from Badmrmojo's performance. He thoroughly beat me. For some reason, my humans turned into a stompy side and the chaos turned into a fleet foot side. Definitely looking forward to the rematch. Like BMM says, maybe i can avenge some TDs but without the CAS's.
Thanks for the game.”
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Aside from that turn, every single roll went my way, I think.
Ok, it wasn't that bad, but I can't recall the last time I played a game that I rolled so well in. Poor Daragor, on the other hand, was rolling like a Yugo, which is to say, poorly. Turn 2 of the second half is particularly amazing when I throw about 6-8 blocks (all starting with 1 die, I think) and put someone down on EVERY SINGLE ROLL. Outright madness!
It was a fun match and D's a good coach. Even in the face of a Nuffle-Smack-Down he still kept at it and I am anxiously looking forward to the rematch. Maybe he can avenge some of those TDs and I can avent some of those CAS's.
Thanks again for a fun game, Daragor.”