“The Butting Eadz came in unbeaten in 7 and started hot, 4 blocks produced 4 stunned Delfs. But that was about all for the game. The Delfs matched the Orc's superior strength by knocking over Black Orcs with 1d blocks inumerable times, while never erring on their blocks.. It didn't help that the Elves made all their Dodges, while the Gobbo remained the Orc's only player to succesfully dodge in the entire game. When the Delfs failed on a simple hand-off for a TD, the 'Eadz seemed to have gotten a much needed break. But they failed to capitalize on the opponents error and the game was lost. Only fitting that an easy chance for a consolation TD was missed with a failed pick-up of the ball. Some days are just like that, and when they are like that, the winnings for the game will be 10k, and so they were.
Aaaaargh, this screams for a rematch.......”
Aaaaargh, this screams for a rematch.......”