In this episode everything went our heroes way.
Fouls got BH's, the ref only spotted us once, the chaos couldnt break armour, or regen rolls went pretty fine. Everything went our way. EVERYTHING.
In the first half we let the chaos guys score, just to pick out , and foul lots of them out, so that the second half was all ours.
We scored pretty quickly knocking more players out in the second half.
RIP on a beast, apo failed (yes even that went our way... sorry for the beast btw, but hes ours now).
Then we just had to take the ball off the opponents ball carrier and score, thats the only thing we had to do.
We even got a perfect defence for it.
And what happened ? I went greedy and stupid, filling up the first line.
CW ran past me, never got to him.
1-2 , a loss (luckely no FF decrease)
What a stupid way to become the best ranked Necro team in all of ranked.
I'm so ashammed of myself.
Good luck to you deferr.
I hope that one guy didnt kill the team off :o) I'm sure your chaos will grow and become lots better.
I wish you all the luck.
from the claws
Comment :
Shame yourself kwèk, shame on you.
Gretzel heinzenberger - Albion Gazet
you suck kwèk, you suck.
Little voice inside my head :o(”
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In this episode everything went our heroes way.
Fouls got BH's, the ref only spotted us once, the chaos couldnt break armour, or regen rolls went pretty fine. Everything went our way. EVERYTHING.
In the first half we let the chaos guys score, just to pick out , and foul lots of them out, so that the second half was all ours.
We scored pretty quickly knocking more players out in the second half.
RIP on a beast, apo failed (yes even that went our way... sorry for the beast btw, but hes ours now).
Then we just had to take the ball off the opponents ball carrier and score, thats the only thing we had to do.
We even got a perfect defence for it.
And what happened ? I went greedy and stupid, filling up the first line.
CW ran past me, never got to him.
1-2 , a loss (luckely no FF decrease)
What a stupid way to become the best ranked Necro team in all of ranked.
I'm so ashammed of myself.
Good luck to you deferr.
I hope that one guy didnt kill the team off :o) I'm sure your chaos will grow and become lots better.
I wish you all the luck.
from the claws
Comment :
Shame yourself kwèk, shame on you.
Gretzel heinzenberger - Albion Gazet
you suck kwèk, you suck.
Little voice inside my head :o(”