“His troll slayer failed a gfi very early in the match, the apo rushing to prevent the niggle which followed. After that, the dwarves held their breath every time they were blocked down, with many cas to follow. But the dwarves blocking, if not their cas dice, were very hot today, rolling 1d POW after 1d POW, even a 2d POW on my ballboy golem. But there weren't enough dwarves to stop us from stealing the ball for a 1-0 lead at halftime, then holding on for a 2-1 victory.
Both wolves got skills, both doubles...nice! And we'll take good care of SGDS for ya...he'll see action every game...as LOS fodder...”
Both wolves got skills, both doubles...nice! And we'll take good care of SGDS for ya...he'll see action every game...as LOS fodder...”