“"Is everyone ready?" yelled Coach Oblitzamanger. The team roared in response. "I said, IS EVERYONE READY!!!" he yelled again, and the team roared even louder. "Then let's go out there and bash 'em good!" With this, the team roared and stormed out of the locker room ready to kill. Coach Oblitzamanger knew that he needed his players ready to fight because those Ogres would be very tough opponents. "And remember," he called after them. "Take out the Goblins first!"
The Guild kicked off as it favored too and the kick was deep in a corner, just as they had hoped. The Ogres on he front line looked menacing, and they knocked down all the Longbeards on the Line of Scrimage. But, they were also quite dumb, as one failed a blitz into the Guild's half, distracted by the pretty clouds in the sky. then, the calamity struck as the little Goblins, who were not only afraid of their own team mates, but the Dwarves as well, fumbled the ball in the backfield, causing a turnover. Blitzer Boin Bloodyvisor and Runner Kain Tombhands rushed past the mid-pitch melee and ran at the Goblins.
As Goblin Wimble attempted to pick up the ball right next to the sideline, a raging Trollslayer in the crowd yelled at him, "If you don't give me that ball, I'll kill you, ya little runt!" Thus Wimble tossed it to the angry fan and he threw it over the heads of all the Goblins, right in the path of Kain and Boin. Boin protected Kain as he picked up the ball in the Ogre's backfield. They were followed by Longbeard Dori Craftyhammer, who was there to use his guarding skills to protect Kain. But the mighty Ogre Zorg used his Break Tackle skill to break away from the brawl and hit Kain from behind. However, Kain was so pumped up, that when the charging brute attacked him, Kain did a quick one-two hit and the sturdy little guy fell the massive Ogre.
Now, in order for the path to the endzone to be clear, captain Blitzer Ibun Redplate blitzed the Goblin Tiger, who was standing next to Kain blocking the way. With one swipe of the forearm, Ibun smashed the Goblin's side of the head, busting it open and killing the poor grot. However, the medics arrived just in time to patch it up and save the Goblin from death. With Boin also blocking Wimble out of the way, Kain was able to run clear to the endzone. However, somehow, Tiger got up and pressured Kain. And, back at the brawl, all of teh Dwarves were knocked down. Thus, Kain knew he had to score right then, as Ibun took another shoot at Tiger, blasting him away from Kain. Kain then ran it in for a touchdown. 1 - 0 Runesmith's Guild
As the kick was made, the Guild blitzed the Ogres. Ibun stunned a Key Ogre as the rest of the team moved to cover up any holes in the line and to pressure the ball. The kick was deep once again. But, that was when Ogre Zorg punched Longbeard Lar Rockmail so hard that it badly hurt him. However, Goblin Grapshot failed another pickup when that heckling fan taunted him. "Why don't you go and run home to your mommy? It would be safer there than on this gridiron!" laughed the Slayer.
The brawl opened up into two sections, ;eaving a gap in the middle. Kain rushed through that gap as Trollslayer Throin Loremallet blitzed Ogre Morg and with his dauntless demeanor, stunned the brute, a key hit. That allowed for Ibun to rush closer to the ball. And when an early turnover held up the Ogre side, Thorin badly hurt Goblin Splatter, and Ibun and Kain got closer to the ball. Then, as side stepping Goblin Reon failed to pick up the ball again, Thorin once again knocked Morg which freed up Longbeard Roin Graniteleg to blitz Reon, only pushing him back. Another early turnover however allowed more to happen for the Guild. Roin then knocked down Reon, clearing him from the ball, and Ibun used his side-arm technique again to kill poor Wimble, who could hear the taunts of that crazy Slayer fan as he died, "You aren't worth the armor you're wearing you little snot! You deserve to die!" And he did. Thus Kain was free to pick up the ball and rush it in for the second touchdown just as the halftime whistle ws blown. 2 - 0 Runesmith's Guild
The team came back into the dugout yelling and screaming bloody murder, for they were totally dominating the match. Coach oblitzamanger tried to keep up the enthsiasm as he knew that the offesnsive drive would be harder than the defensive drive, especially with the team's second Runner Parin Rockbow recovering from a gouged eye.
The team stormed out to the pitch again with both Blitzers and the Runner in the backfield. Trollslayer Rorin Songhelm was in a frenzy and was dauntless in the face of Ogre Borg. He jumped high and smashed the Ogre on the head, and with his mighty blow, the Ogre was knocked out and his thick skull was cracked, so it didn't protect him. With one of the five Ogres out of the way, the Guild's chances at scoring improved, but not by much. A key hit from Ogre Zorg was avoided when much to his coach's dismay, he found a nice big boogey to flick at a nearby Goblin, and he didn't make the hit. That allowed Dori to help form a cage to protect Kain as Rorin knocked down Ogre Blurg at the right moment.
But the big hit that turn was when the other Trollslayer Thorin attacked Ogre Morg. He at first just rammed him with his head, pushing him back, but the frenzied Dwarf then jumped upwards, fists in front of him, and smashed the Ogre's head back. The blow crushed the Ogre's jaw and snapped his head back so fast, that is broke his neck. The combination of blood loss and a broken neck killed the Ogre on the spot. The apothecary was out of bandages from saving Goblin Tiger earlier, so they could only carry his limp (but still very heavy) body off the pitch. Thus, there were only three Ogres left on the field as Thorin sent Morg to the mourgue.
However, the Ogre Blurg fought back, knocking Rorin down, and stepping up to the cage. Then, with two other Goblins helping, Goblin Molly knocked out Dori by pulling on his beard until the pain was so overwhelming that he lost consiousness. This broke the cage wide open. Roin pushed Blurg back as Thorin and Blitzer Boin Bloodyvisor tried (futily) to protect Kain. Blurg then hit Roin back, smashing him into the turf which killed him. But the medics rushed onto the pitch and saved him from his early death. Ogre Zorg then blitzed Kain by a breaking tackle and knocked the Runner flat as revenge for knocking him down earleir when kain got his first touchdown. The ball fell loose and Boin was too surprised to catch it. Thus, Tiger, who had survived death itself, rushed in to grab the ball, then dodge away only to slip on the bloodied grass while trying to go for those extra yards.
Thorin then slammed Zorg from the side in retaliation and knocked him prone. Boin then raced to grab the ball, which he successfully picked up. Then, Rorin knocked down Blurg, leaving only one Ogre standing to get the ball. Ogre Hwarg, who had been fighting Longbeard merin Bloodtooth the entire half, dodged away and smashed Boin flat, and then got next to the ball. With no Trollslayers in the area, it would be difficult to get the ball back as Goblin Grapshot picked it up. Merin then backtracked and blitzed the blocking Goblin. His hit was low and hard and pummeled the Goblin back. The ball went loose again deep in the Guild's backfield as Rorin and Ibun crowdpushed Blurg. But the fans on that side of the pitch were Ogre fans and they let the brute walk back to his dugout.
Hwarg then made their scoring prospects better as he badly hurt Merin after an entire half of battling it out. Grapshot then got up and failed to pick up the ball. As Thorin and Roin worked on beating up Zorg, Kain blitzed his way in to push the blocking Goblin back. Grapshot then dodged out of the way and back into Kain's tackle zone to try and get the ball again, only to fail once more. The final moments ticked away as both Kain and Boin failed to knock Grapshot down. But, with both their tackle zones on the ball, the game was over anyway.
The Dwarves were once again cheered off the pitch for another job well done. However, they only got a little bit of money and they didn't attract any new fans. In the locker room, Coach Oblitzamanger wa very pleased with hi team as he treated them to some good ol' ale. He was easily getting out of debt to the Runesmith's Guild and at this rate, he would be in the clear very shortly.
At the next pratice, he taught Runner Kain Tombhands how to block better, Trollslayer Thorin Loremallet how to hit harder, and Longbeard Talin Coalleg how to stand firmly in place. The team was becoming a real bashing threat, now with 7 kills, (only two saved by an apothecary) and three players with Mighty Blow. Coach Oblitzamanger knew he would now have a hard time finding games...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Guild kicked off as it favored too and the kick was deep in a corner, just as they had hoped. The Ogres on he front line looked menacing, and they knocked down all the Longbeards on the Line of Scrimage. But, they were also quite dumb, as one failed a blitz into the Guild's half, distracted by the pretty clouds in the sky. then, the calamity struck as the little Goblins, who were not only afraid of their own team mates, but the Dwarves as well, fumbled the ball in the backfield, causing a turnover. Blitzer Boin Bloodyvisor and Runner Kain Tombhands rushed past the mid-pitch melee and ran at the Goblins.
As Goblin Wimble attempted to pick up the ball right next to the sideline, a raging Trollslayer in the crowd yelled at him, "If you don't give me that ball, I'll kill you, ya little runt!" Thus Wimble tossed it to the angry fan and he threw it over the heads of all the Goblins, right in the path of Kain and Boin. Boin protected Kain as he picked up the ball in the Ogre's backfield. They were followed by Longbeard Dori Craftyhammer, who was there to use his guarding skills to protect Kain. But the mighty Ogre Zorg used his Break Tackle skill to break away from the brawl and hit Kain from behind. However, Kain was so pumped up, that when the charging brute attacked him, Kain did a quick one-two hit and the sturdy little guy fell the massive Ogre.
Now, in order for the path to the endzone to be clear, captain Blitzer Ibun Redplate blitzed the Goblin Tiger, who was standing next to Kain blocking the way. With one swipe of the forearm, Ibun smashed the Goblin's side of the head, busting it open and killing the poor grot. However, the medics arrived just in time to patch it up and save the Goblin from death. With Boin also blocking Wimble out of the way, Kain was able to run clear to the endzone. However, somehow, Tiger got up and pressured Kain. And, back at the brawl, all of teh Dwarves were knocked down. Thus, Kain knew he had to score right then, as Ibun took another shoot at Tiger, blasting him away from Kain. Kain then ran it in for a touchdown. 1 - 0 Runesmith's Guild
As the kick was made, the Guild blitzed the Ogres. Ibun stunned a Key Ogre as the rest of the team moved to cover up any holes in the line and to pressure the ball. The kick was deep once again. But, that was when Ogre Zorg punched Longbeard Lar Rockmail so hard that it badly hurt him. However, Goblin Grapshot failed another pickup when that heckling fan taunted him. "Why don't you go and run home to your mommy? It would be safer there than on this gridiron!" laughed the Slayer.
The brawl opened up into two sections, ;eaving a gap in the middle. Kain rushed through that gap as Trollslayer Throin Loremallet blitzed Ogre Morg and with his dauntless demeanor, stunned the brute, a key hit. That allowed for Ibun to rush closer to the ball. And when an early turnover held up the Ogre side, Thorin badly hurt Goblin Splatter, and Ibun and Kain got closer to the ball. Then, as side stepping Goblin Reon failed to pick up the ball again, Thorin once again knocked Morg which freed up Longbeard Roin Graniteleg to blitz Reon, only pushing him back. Another early turnover however allowed more to happen for the Guild. Roin then knocked down Reon, clearing him from the ball, and Ibun used his side-arm technique again to kill poor Wimble, who could hear the taunts of that crazy Slayer fan as he died, "You aren't worth the armor you're wearing you little snot! You deserve to die!" And he did. Thus Kain was free to pick up the ball and rush it in for the second touchdown just as the halftime whistle ws blown. 2 - 0 Runesmith's Guild
The team came back into the dugout yelling and screaming bloody murder, for they were totally dominating the match. Coach oblitzamanger tried to keep up the enthsiasm as he knew that the offesnsive drive would be harder than the defensive drive, especially with the team's second Runner Parin Rockbow recovering from a gouged eye.
The team stormed out to the pitch again with both Blitzers and the Runner in the backfield. Trollslayer Rorin Songhelm was in a frenzy and was dauntless in the face of Ogre Borg. He jumped high and smashed the Ogre on the head, and with his mighty blow, the Ogre was knocked out and his thick skull was cracked, so it didn't protect him. With one of the five Ogres out of the way, the Guild's chances at scoring improved, but not by much. A key hit from Ogre Zorg was avoided when much to his coach's dismay, he found a nice big boogey to flick at a nearby Goblin, and he didn't make the hit. That allowed Dori to help form a cage to protect Kain as Rorin knocked down Ogre Blurg at the right moment.
But the big hit that turn was when the other Trollslayer Thorin attacked Ogre Morg. He at first just rammed him with his head, pushing him back, but the frenzied Dwarf then jumped upwards, fists in front of him, and smashed the Ogre's head back. The blow crushed the Ogre's jaw and snapped his head back so fast, that is broke his neck. The combination of blood loss and a broken neck killed the Ogre on the spot. The apothecary was out of bandages from saving Goblin Tiger earlier, so they could only carry his limp (but still very heavy) body off the pitch. Thus, there were only three Ogres left on the field as Thorin sent Morg to the mourgue.
However, the Ogre Blurg fought back, knocking Rorin down, and stepping up to the cage. Then, with two other Goblins helping, Goblin Molly knocked out Dori by pulling on his beard until the pain was so overwhelming that he lost consiousness. This broke the cage wide open. Roin pushed Blurg back as Thorin and Blitzer Boin Bloodyvisor tried (futily) to protect Kain. Blurg then hit Roin back, smashing him into the turf which killed him. But the medics rushed onto the pitch and saved him from his early death. Ogre Zorg then blitzed Kain by a breaking tackle and knocked the Runner flat as revenge for knocking him down earleir when kain got his first touchdown. The ball fell loose and Boin was too surprised to catch it. Thus, Tiger, who had survived death itself, rushed in to grab the ball, then dodge away only to slip on the bloodied grass while trying to go for those extra yards.
Thorin then slammed Zorg from the side in retaliation and knocked him prone. Boin then raced to grab the ball, which he successfully picked up. Then, Rorin knocked down Blurg, leaving only one Ogre standing to get the ball. Ogre Hwarg, who had been fighting Longbeard merin Bloodtooth the entire half, dodged away and smashed Boin flat, and then got next to the ball. With no Trollslayers in the area, it would be difficult to get the ball back as Goblin Grapshot picked it up. Merin then backtracked and blitzed the blocking Goblin. His hit was low and hard and pummeled the Goblin back. The ball went loose again deep in the Guild's backfield as Rorin and Ibun crowdpushed Blurg. But the fans on that side of the pitch were Ogre fans and they let the brute walk back to his dugout.
Hwarg then made their scoring prospects better as he badly hurt Merin after an entire half of battling it out. Grapshot then got up and failed to pick up the ball. As Thorin and Roin worked on beating up Zorg, Kain blitzed his way in to push the blocking Goblin back. Grapshot then dodged out of the way and back into Kain's tackle zone to try and get the ball again, only to fail once more. The final moments ticked away as both Kain and Boin failed to knock Grapshot down. But, with both their tackle zones on the ball, the game was over anyway.
The Dwarves were once again cheered off the pitch for another job well done. However, they only got a little bit of money and they didn't attract any new fans. In the locker room, Coach Oblitzamanger wa very pleased with hi team as he treated them to some good ol' ale. He was easily getting out of debt to the Runesmith's Guild and at this rate, he would be in the clear very shortly.
At the next pratice, he taught Runner Kain Tombhands how to block better, Trollslayer Thorin Loremallet how to hit harder, and Longbeard Talin Coalleg how to stand firmly in place. The team was becoming a real bashing threat, now with 7 kills, (only two saved by an apothecary) and three players with Mighty Blow. Coach Oblitzamanger knew he would now have a hard time finding games...”