#6 Sir Genius – Dead (RIP) #11 Sgt Grumbles – Dead (RIP)
“'t was a game I expected to lose, with those two claw/rsc rats, claw/mb SV, and a oneturning GR there. First half, kant scored quickly, then I grinded for six turns and getting the upper hand damagewise, despite hitting with claw/mb instead of claw/rsc. The ref not spotting my fouls helped too. Second half it was mop up time, but the one turning GR came back out of KO and equalized it in t16.
Overall, a better result than I expected. Though my opponent was clearly not happy with the course of events, the bigger picture shows that I lost two players (vs one mng), which are a pain to replace at this TR.
Thanks for the game kant, and see you at a rematch. ;)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Overall, a better result than I expected. Though my opponent was clearly not happy with the course of events, the bigger picture shows that I lost two players (vs one mng), which are a pain to replace at this TR.
Thanks for the game kant, and see you at a rematch. ;)”