“Moral of the if it is green and squishy and not one of my gobbos, it is suspicious and deserves to be fouled until it stops moving. It's just the devious Kurtz said nice things about me and made my gobbos think twice about giving his players the swift kick in the ribs they clearly deserved. Kurtzes!
Thanks for the game, rematch when I have more dp's and am feeling more bloodthirsty.
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I indeed had a jolly time, and indeed my previous comments were in jest.”
“:-) Well, I am not really the devious sweet-talker that Mr. Phlogiston implies that I am, although I am sure that it is all in good spirits - much like the match we played.
I simply remarked that I neither checked up him nor his team, when he asked me for a match, but just accepted, since I had read several game reports where people wrote favourably about him as a coach.
Anyway, the match was somewhat onesided with the dice in my favor. However, Mr. Phlogiston had a brief period of good dice rolls, or rather I had a slight peroid of bad ones. Funnily enough this was immediately after he offered his firstborn as a sacrifice to Nuffle. Presumably Nuffle found him to try to wriggle his way out of the bargain, because soon enough the bad dice rolls were firmly at Mr. Phlogistons lap again...
All in all, the match was played in a good spirit with quite a lot of friendly banter. I found Mr. Phlogiston to be a fair and friendly coach to play, and would gladly play a rematch. Hats off for keeping up the spirits for the entire game, even though you had Nuffle's own bad luck.
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Thanks for the game, rematch when I have more dp's and am feeling more bloodthirsty.
Edit -
I indeed had a jolly time, and indeed my previous comments were in jest.”