Well, it certainly wasn't one to remember. We won the toss and recieved, but a failed Ag. 3 surehands pickup, a few failed +4 catches on the bounce, a terrible final landing spot on the bounce, and a lot of GFIs to put guard tacklezones on the ball meant I never had a chance. He scored with relative ease, although I did come close to stopping him several times, but failed to produce the nessicary POW.
Same story in the second half, and down 2-0 with 4 turns to play didn't leave much hope, even for my exceptionally fast dwarves. However, we did manage to sneak in after a lot of luck and some caging down the sideline, and we even managed to crowdpush-RIP the star opposing Bull! Huzza for frenzy! So, put us firmly at the bottom of the table, but that can be dealt with.
Another plus, Nobbi got +MA on his skill roll. That makes 4+MAs now, 3 on longbeards.
Well played, bigkahunna. You reminded me (as if I needed it) that dwarves need Guard as well as speed to win, which is where the other skill went. Good luck with the rest of your season!”
Well, it certainly wasn't one to remember. We won the toss and recieved, but a failed Ag. 3 surehands pickup, a few failed +4 catches on the bounce, a terrible final landing spot on the bounce, and a lot of GFIs to put guard tacklezones on the ball meant I never had a chance. He scored with relative ease, although I did come close to stopping him several times, but failed to produce the nessicary POW.
Same story in the second half, and down 2-0 with 4 turns to play didn't leave much hope, even for my exceptionally fast dwarves. However, we did manage to sneak in after a lot of luck and some caging down the sideline, and we even managed to crowdpush-RIP the star opposing Bull! Huzza for frenzy! So, put us firmly at the bottom of the table, but that can be dealt with.
Another plus, Nobbi got +MA on his skill roll. That makes 4+MAs now, 3 on longbeards.
Well played, bigkahunna. You reminded me (as if I needed it) that dwarves need Guard as well as speed to win, which is where the other skill went. Good luck with the rest of your season!”