“We got first blood, taking out his only team tackle. After that, it was just pound-a-rat day, sending hordes to the ko box and killing a quality storm vermin, apo failure. WTF with apo failures??? Few things piss me off about the game more than a failed apo...
Ill-advised passing by the nurgles, who seemed to fail their own foul appearance rolls and drop everything, let us jump out to an early 2-0 lead, which was more than enough to assure a victory, even with most of my rats missing parts of the game.
Bah...now I have to train a new SV and hope he doesn't age at 51 spp, like the one I lost managed to avoid...”
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Ill-advised passing by the nurgles, who seemed to fail their own foul appearance rolls and drop everything, let us jump out to an early 2-0 lead, which was more than enough to assure a victory, even with most of my rats missing parts of the game.
Bah...now I have to train a new SV and hope he doesn't age at 51 spp, like the one I lost managed to avoid...”