“An excellent game in which I had the ball for most of the match and came away the loser... I guess thats what you get when you open the gate for skaven :)
Came within a dropped catch of tieing the game after the Stooners double skulled on their last turn, so I cant complain too much.
#12 Dritz II – Broken Ribs (MNG) #12 Dritz II – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“Was a strong good match, Huff dident do as mutch damage as he normaly does but he got 1 cas.
Playing a Chaos team with 2 Claws and some mighty blow isent easy with armour 7 around the line.
I got some good luck on a few key rolls, missed most armour and injury rolls but made some key rolls on the field.
One i will newer forget is when the Bigg Beast Clay the infinite moved upp to tangle my lil Gutter runner Doner.
I know from past expericene its hopless to try and dodge out so i tryed a block forgot i had no assist and rolled 3 dice the beast could choose.
Well all 3 eneded upp in Pow/ pow with no dodge, but i did not manage to break his armour so the next round the beast was back.
This time i manged to get 1 assist and blocked again got 2 Pow/pow with no dodge and got a linemen to guard me so i could move away next round.
Not often the luck smiles that mutch tho in fact all i did need was push, since i did not brake his armour after all.
A chill got down my spine when i rolled dubble scull, in the end zone i was about to score my TD, but luckyly i got a nother chance the next round and scored.
Was a close and even game could easliy have been a draw or a victory to Clayinfinity.
I will play you any day mate cya around.
( Tho not that hard hitting chaos for a while hehe )
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Came within a dropped catch of tieing the game after the Stooners double skulled on their last turn, so I cant complain too much.
Well played Rextiny, you're onto my white list :)