“A strange game. Got 4 Blitz! against me, in all fairness I should point out that I got a RR on one occasion so I'm not complaining. Those slimy skinks wasnt slow to use the advantage. My poor slow orcs never knew what hit them. It was nice to make a TD in the last turn of the match to wipe out that ugly zero on the scoresheet. It also ment that I got a 1 in every column; 1TD 1Cps 1Int 1BH 1SI and 1 RIP.
“While the team skink where letting the poor orcs taste their dust the rest of the team had to received quite a pounding since they had to go on the LOS about every two turn. They were holding fine until the end of teh first half when the old Seiryu got his collar bone broken fortunately the team apo got that fixed. Unfortunately our luck ran out when the team tried to go for a 7th td. We rolled 2 double skull when we had no rr and Ladon decided he'd kick the bucket which allowed the orcs to finally see if teh grass was greener on our side.
I just hoped you never get yourself beaten this bad again Ralph and good luck with your team.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Well played you Beast of Magma”