“The beastmen held off the kenri in the first half, but unfortunately the Chaos warrior Lord Lucan was KO and never recovered after the first half along with two beastmen.
At the begining of the first half the minotaur was KO ed. After another beastman was KOed the team were left badly understrength and unable to defend the field and the khemri team scored a touchdown.
When the Minotaur knossos and Lurd lucan failed to recover the team were left without muscle and there advance was halted and turn round although the beastmen held them off for the remaineder of the match.
Chaos Champion Rammstein for dodging in and out of tz snatching the ball.”
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At the begining of the first half the minotaur was KO ed. After another beastman was KOed the team were left badly understrength and unable to defend the field and the khemri team scored a touchdown.
When the Minotaur knossos and Lurd lucan failed to recover the team were left without muscle and there advance was halted and turn round although the beastmen held them off for the remaineder of the match.
Chaos Champion Rammstein for dodging in and out of tz snatching the ball.”