Oysters win the flip and receive. One of my 'flings on the line is mashed by a tree as the offense surges forward leaving two diving-tackle 'flings to advance the ball. Unfortunately, a pass is dropped which allows Hairynap (ag4) to be launched into the backfield where he picks up the ball in a tz (reroll needed) and makes the 75% play to dodge away from a diving tackler and get into scoring range. A blitz fails to bring him down but he is not surrounded by a trio of DT's. Fortunately, the only other Hair Club 'fling in range is not marked and it allows him to mark one of the defender and allow for a 1-die blitz to open up a dodging/scoring lane...a push is followed by another 75% successful dodge for the score. 1-0.
Following kickoff results is a pitch invasion and about half of both teams laying stunned. The Oysters advance the ball quickly into Hair Club territory but a ko and a stun leave my guys with surrounding a scrum. A chainpush is used to get the ballcarrier into contact with one of my trees who 3-dies up a knockdown and frees the ball. Ball is picked up and moved to relative safety after a boot ko's his blocker 'fling. Pindo BH's the guy marking him and now stands waiting to catch a pass for the score - unfortunately, coach decides to try 2 gfi's to get a quick pass and rolls two 1's in the process to end the snuff out any scoring opportunity on the last turn of the half.
2nd half:
3 BH's and 2 SI's leave the Oysters with 6 'flings and 2 trees on defense vs. a full squad of 11. A blitz ko result sees the Oysters aggressively roll to the side where the kick lands and eventually get a 1-die and then another on the ballcarrier but fail to create the turnover (and actully BH one their own with a skull). Hair Club sweeps to the opposite side and stuns one defender and sandwiches another between 2 dt's. We stall until a brilliant TTM play lands an Oyster in a gap in my defense and a blitz allows him to mark the ballcarrier. Marker has SS so Hair Club uses 3 'flings to shield and blitz him away to free up the scorer on turn 7. 2-0.
WIth 2 turns to play, the Oysters line up to abuse the trees Hair Club places on the LOS. Both my trees are knocked down, but both stand right back up next turn. Oysters timber one again to free up the turn 8 TTM play but the ballcarrier is fumbled ending the game.
I managed to get out of this one without anything worse than a BH - so a full roster for the final game. Luckmeter again proves it's worthlessness reading both teams at about 50% but ALL the key rolls surely went my way in this one.
Also 80k winnings leaves me with 110k for the final - now I just have to decide how to spend it. Do I negate Monti's star tree with my own hire to face her superior roster with equal rerolls. OR, do I purchase 5 ingredients and force her to play with (hopefully) very few rerolls? Hmmm, tough call.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Oysters win the flip and receive. One of my 'flings on the line is mashed by a tree as the offense surges forward leaving two diving-tackle 'flings to advance the ball. Unfortunately, a pass is dropped which allows Hairynap (ag4) to be launched into the backfield where he picks up the ball in a tz (reroll needed) and makes the 75% play to dodge away from a diving tackler and get into scoring range. A blitz fails to bring him down but he is not surrounded by a trio of DT's. Fortunately, the only other Hair Club 'fling in range is not marked and it allows him to mark one of the defender and allow for a 1-die blitz to open up a dodging/scoring lane...a push is followed by another 75% successful dodge for the score. 1-0.
Following kickoff results is a pitch invasion and about half of both teams laying stunned. The Oysters advance the ball quickly into Hair Club territory but a ko and a stun leave my guys with surrounding a scrum. A chainpush is used to get the ballcarrier into contact with one of my trees who 3-dies up a knockdown and frees the ball. Ball is picked up and moved to relative safety after a boot ko's his blocker 'fling. Pindo BH's the guy marking him and now stands waiting to catch a pass for the score - unfortunately, coach decides to try 2 gfi's to get a quick pass and rolls two 1's in the process to end the snuff out any scoring opportunity on the last turn of the half.
2nd half:
3 BH's and 2 SI's leave the Oysters with 6 'flings and 2 trees on defense vs. a full squad of 11. A blitz ko result sees the Oysters aggressively roll to the side where the kick lands and eventually get a 1-die and then another on the ballcarrier but fail to create the turnover (and actully BH one their own with a skull). Hair Club sweeps to the opposite side and stuns one defender and sandwiches another between 2 dt's. We stall until a brilliant TTM play lands an Oyster in a gap in my defense and a blitz allows him to mark the ballcarrier. Marker has SS so Hair Club uses 3 'flings to shield and blitz him away to free up the scorer on turn 7. 2-0.
WIth 2 turns to play, the Oysters line up to abuse the trees Hair Club places on the LOS. Both my trees are knocked down, but both stand right back up next turn. Oysters timber one again to free up the turn 8 TTM play but the ballcarrier is fumbled ending the game.
I managed to get out of this one without anything worse than a BH - so a full roster for the final game. Luckmeter again proves it's worthlessness reading both teams at about 50% but ALL the key rolls surely went my way in this one.
Also 80k winnings leaves me with 110k for the final - now I just have to decide how to spend it. Do I negate Monti's star tree with my own hire to face her superior roster with equal rerolls. OR, do I purchase 5 ingredients and force her to play with (hopefully) very few rerolls? Hmmm, tough call.”