“Thankfully after thier humbling at the hands of Bashen Crash last game, the watch were taking nothing for granted in this game, and despite having a massive advantage in rating over Steelfist FC the prematch team talk was all about giving respect to the opposition, no matter who they are. It was a wise move, as the Steelfist were amazingly tough, punching way above thier weight. Star Flesh Golem Dorfl was given a niggle by Hepti and no reply was forthcoming from the watch, in fact they were incredibly lucky to come out of the match with a win, with only a massive throw from Lord Vetinari to Cecil "Nobby" Nobbs for the watches 2nd TD the difference between the teams.
3pts - Vedgrasill - Did most of steelfist's ball carrying (along with fellow runner Prainn) and picked up Steelfists TD.
2pts - Svior - Tough bastard of a Longbeard, was in the thick of everything blocking away and grabbed a cas for his efforts.
1pt - - #5 Hepti Not to be confused with his twin #3 Hepti, #5 Hepti was another outstanding Longbeard who seemed to be everywhere at once :P and deservedly picked up the MVP for the match for his effort on Dorfl, putting the Watches chief golem on the sidelines with a niggle”
“A lesson in counting your chickens before they hatch!
The dwarves thought they had this one sewn up, only to be outdone by a miraculous end to end play.
3 votes to Lord Vetinari for the super long bomb pass
2 Votes for Cecil "Nobby" Nobbs for his catch and TD
1 vote to Detritus for being a general pain in the bum.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3pts - Vedgrasill - Did most of steelfist's ball carrying (along with fellow runner Prainn) and picked up Steelfists TD.
2pts - Svior - Tough bastard of a Longbeard, was in the thick of everything blocking away and grabbed a cas for his efforts.
1pt - - #5 Hepti Not to be confused with his twin #3 Hepti, #5 Hepti was another outstanding Longbeard who seemed to be everywhere at once :P and deservedly picked up the MVP for the match for his effort on Dorfl, putting the Watches chief golem on the sidelines with a niggle”