“What a strange game. 1:st half was all elf. Two PI's had half my team stunned at kickoff, and Tophat was not slow to take advantage of this fact. We tried to get elfs off the pitch, but it is hard with all muscle and no tactics...
2:nd half started 0-2, and I felt like the loser. Luckily I had the offence. For eight turns, nothing went the elves way. They dodged of doom, failed GFI's, failed ballhandling and generally behaved like Khemri with respect to agility. Wierd.
My DP's where diciplined and did not cause permadamage to this nicely coached team.”
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2:nd half started 0-2, and I felt like the loser. Luckily I had the offence. For eight turns, nothing went the elves way. They dodged of doom, failed GFI's, failed ballhandling and generally behaved like Khemri with respect to agility. Wierd.
My DP's where diciplined and did not cause permadamage to this nicely coached team.”