“A bizzare game to say the least. Things started to go horribly wrong for the elves in turn one, forced to use the apo with a turn one RIP. Things proceeded to go the chaos way, with elves seeing a special kind of loving from Nuffle.
Cunning Chaos play swinging play from left to right quickly got a TD, with desperate elves trailing in their wake, sucked in by a feint to the right.
A late 1st half attempt for a TD by the elves then sputtered with a series of botched moves, failed dodged, lame pass attempts. A last ditch effort was then foiled again by Nuffle. A series of didges raised elven hopes, only to be crushed with another failed pass.
Desperate moves early in the second half allowed the elves to score, jumping in to snatch the ball and dodging out to make a long pass for a score. Things then started to get bizzare as Nuffle directly intervened on the ensuing kickoff, disconnecting the game and messing everything up.
Attempts to recreate the play was feeble, with the elves struggling to replicate the TD, showing how ridiculously lucky the first try was!
Sporting coach GregNW then allowed the elves to just score, seeing as how recreating the TD proved almost impossible. 1-1, with some turns to play in the second.
After the reconnect, it appeared that the Heretics acquired the elvish luck, and proceeded to fail every single agility attempt and burning priceless RRs. Crazy dodgy jumping elves manage to sneak away with the ball to score again. Final 2 turns for Chaos to score, and predicatably, fairly easy rolls failed, giving the elves an unjust victory.
Luck ruled this game, throwing careful plans out of the window. In all, GregNW was a standup coach, brilliant, and brutally unlucky at the end. A rematch must definately be on the cards for this one.”
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Cunning Chaos play swinging play from left to right quickly got a TD, with desperate elves trailing in their wake, sucked in by a feint to the right.
A late 1st half attempt for a TD by the elves then sputtered with a series of botched moves, failed dodged, lame pass attempts. A last ditch effort was then foiled again by Nuffle. A series of didges raised elven hopes, only to be crushed with another failed pass.
Desperate moves early in the second half allowed the elves to score, jumping in to snatch the ball and dodging out to make a long pass for a score. Things then started to get bizzare as Nuffle directly intervened on the ensuing kickoff, disconnecting the game and messing everything up.
Attempts to recreate the play was feeble, with the elves struggling to replicate the TD, showing how ridiculously lucky the first try was!
Sporting coach GregNW then allowed the elves to just score, seeing as how recreating the TD proved almost impossible. 1-1, with some turns to play in the second.
After the reconnect, it appeared that the Heretics acquired the elvish luck, and proceeded to fail every single agility attempt and burning priceless RRs. Crazy dodgy jumping elves manage to sneak away with the ball to score again. Final 2 turns for Chaos to score, and predicatably, fairly easy rolls failed, giving the elves an unjust victory.
Luck ruled this game, throwing careful plans out of the window. In all, GregNW was a standup coach, brilliant, and brutally unlucky at the end. A rematch must definately be on the cards for this one.”