“The blood of my enemies stains my hands!! The charioteers go to conquer the conquerers but stalemate after blood flows from both sides!
Hail to Deltin who stops this day from ending in defeat. His score brings about the demise of humans...and with his life, he guards the trail to Hell! Ride home brother of the wheel, in honor!
Shame to Biondi who fouls before the ballcarrier advances and denies us victory! Strapped to the tree of woe is he! And whipped by the flails that drive forth our beasts!
Hail to Lanje who takes down Gengis Khan on a fierce block! His boot isn't the only force to fear! and yet another head for his collection! Lanje, Maleed Avatar now has collected more heads than any other charioteer. His soul lies in Hell, but his hate guides forth on the Upperworld to bring punishment and pain!
Smiley also collects a head by crushing Alexander the Great. Darkness swirls over the catcher's eyes as Smiley reaps prize and ties it to his chariot. Among the chosen he now stands!
DeMaio "Seven piles of sand for the Deltin! And Seven drinks in his honor!! Lo and behold, human women join our Fan base! Our favorite kind ; ) Ride forth Hellwalkers!! Into the blackness of night, searching for glory and death upon the field!!"
The charioteers make a fire in the human fields and dash away!!”
Hail to Deltin who stops this day from ending in defeat. His score brings about the demise of humans...and with his life, he guards the trail to Hell! Ride home brother of the wheel, in honor!
Shame to Biondi who fouls before the ballcarrier advances and denies us victory! Strapped to the tree of woe is he! And whipped by the flails that drive forth our beasts!
Hail to Lanje who takes down Gengis Khan on a fierce block! His boot isn't the only force to fear! and yet another head for his collection! Lanje, Maleed Avatar now has collected more heads than any other charioteer. His soul lies in Hell, but his hate guides forth on the Upperworld to bring punishment and pain!
Smiley also collects a head by crushing Alexander the Great. Darkness swirls over the catcher's eyes as Smiley reaps prize and ties it to his chariot. Among the chosen he now stands!
DeMaio "Seven piles of sand for the Deltin! And Seven drinks in his honor!! Lo and behold, human women join our Fan base! Our favorite kind ; ) Ride forth Hellwalkers!! Into the blackness of night, searching for glory and death upon the field!!"
The charioteers make a fire in the human fields and dash away!!”