Surprisingly we got outbashed again. With BloodReaper rolling high on armor all game.
The decisive factor in this game though was the handicap the Deadmen where awarded. Morleys Revenge kept the st4 ag4 Norse off the field the whole game. Hooray for that!
Undermanned as he was, the Norse didnt make any serious incursions into the deadmens half.
Onwards and upwards. See you in the Conferences Bezerkers. ”
Surprisingly we got outbashed again. With BloodReaper rolling high on armor all game.
The decisive factor in this game though was the handicap the Deadmen where awarded. Morleys Revenge kept the st4 ag4 Norse off the field the whole game. Hooray for that!
Undermanned as he was, the Norse didnt make any serious incursions into the deadmens half.
Onwards and upwards. See you in the Conferences Bezerkers.