“"Bah, I hate dwarves. Short. Hairy. Smell like the underpit of a 5th generation Slann. But we at least tied the score, which is better than our first meeting. I still owe them a couple more for our dearly departed skinks from last time."-The Mortar, MPSS Saurus
"Why did I not get the MVP? I scored the farking touchdown! Skitty's a newbie little skink."-Click Enclack, MPSS Skink
"Newbie? I've been on this team longer than you have!"-Skitty Caffeinator, MPSS Skink
"*sigh* This is why we can't have nice games."-Komo Doshi, MPSS Skink
“'Damn hard-fought game. Need beer now.'
-Hulgar Hammersmith, team captain.
'Scaly bastards just wouldn't stay down. Unlike Garrek. Took a wee nap, he did.'
-Magni Coppereye
'Right, lad, what was it ye wanted ta know? My view of th' match...well, the lads did what they could. Aye, got no issues with their playin'. We came up 'gainst a juggernaught of a line o' scrimmage, an' we can be content with a draw. I'll drink ta our rematch!'
-Hulgar Hammersmith, after some beer.
'Th' award? Oh aye, I got that fer puttin me 'ead on th' line rather'n hangin' back as usual. Learned me some new tricks, too. I'm lookin' forward ta tryin' those out soon.'
-Orin the Swift, Runner and MVP.
'Orin gettin' an award? Bah, that's just a fluke. Me, I'm UNSTOPPABLE, and this time 'round I even sent one of the scalies to the healers.'
-Erik Leatherfoot, self-proclaimed unstoppable Runner.
'Hate ta admit it, but we were kinda lackin' Garrek out there. I jus' don't have his hittin' power. Ah, well. We'll be facin' less tough-skinned targets again. Fer now...more beer!'
-Furim Rocksmiter.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"Why did I not get the MVP? I scored the farking touchdown! Skitty's a newbie little skink."-Click Enclack, MPSS Skink
"Newbie? I've been on this team longer than you have!"-Skitty Caffeinator, MPSS Skink
"*sigh* This is why we can't have nice games."-Komo Doshi, MPSS Skink