#2 Lirit de Pompadour – Smashed Knee (NI) #4 Faith Flanders Jnr – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“The "Countesses" were looking forward to playing the Clan Mac Feeble with their squishy av7 linerats.
But forgot to remember that rats have sharp teath & claws, this combined with the genral nasty foul nature of rats led to a rather bloody game.
The game started poorly for the "Countesses" as the rats gangfouled Iolanthe du Barry of the pitch and into the BH dugout.
This was soon followed by the "Countesses" usless apo failing to save Faith Flanders Jnr from a SI witch means she now has a gammy leg
(the apo met with a bizzare, painful and rather deadly acident after the game).
By half time the "Countesses" were 0-1 down and only able to feild 9 players. This led to the "Countesses" resorting to playing like their opponents, dirty!
A couple of turn later one of the nasty storm vermin was lying in the BH box wondering where his teeth had gone and the smelly
flea bag "Senach" lay motionless in the catfood box.
Well the "Clan" were having none of this, they were only angered into more gangfouling by the "Countesses" change of tactics.
Their target? "Lirit de Pompadour" who had fouled "Senach" erlier. The horible ratbags swarmed round the dazed vampire and fouled into the SI box.
Despite the "Countesses" best eforts to bash & foul the rats off the pitch they just couldn't exact a fitting retaliation for the rats massed foul.
Almost forgot, the final score was 0-3 to the "Clan"
Thanks to Phil78 for a bloody but enjoyable game...
The "Countesses" will have their revenge!!!
;o) ”
“The team issue wooden tipped boots worked a treat.
Without the leadership of the evil satan spawn the poor helpless thralls were never going to be a match for the ball of fur and fury known as Clan Mac Feeble, sorry Feegle.
Well played BnW and I look forward to a rematch soon.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But forgot to remember that rats have sharp teath & claws, this combined with the genral nasty foul nature of rats led to a rather bloody game.
The game started poorly for the "Countesses" as the rats gangfouled Iolanthe du Barry of the pitch and into the BH dugout.
This was soon followed by the "Countesses" usless apo failing to save Faith Flanders Jnr from a SI witch means she now has a gammy leg
(the apo met with a bizzare, painful and rather deadly acident after the game).
By half time the "Countesses" were 0-1 down and only able to feild 9 players. This led to the "Countesses" resorting to playing like their opponents, dirty!
A couple of turn later one of the nasty storm vermin was lying in the BH box wondering where his teeth had gone and the smelly
flea bag "Senach" lay motionless in the catfood box.
Well the "Clan" were having none of this, they were only angered into more gangfouling by the "Countesses" change of tactics.
Their target? "Lirit de Pompadour" who had fouled "Senach" erlier. The horible ratbags swarmed round the dazed vampire and fouled into the SI box.
Despite the "Countesses" best eforts to bash & foul the rats off the pitch they just couldn't exact a fitting retaliation for the rats massed foul.
Almost forgot, the final score was 0-3 to the "Clan"
Thanks to Phil78 for a bloody but enjoyable game...
The "Countesses" will have their revenge!!!