“The arena fills, and the Clint Eastwood roles enter with such an ominous prescence that some of the Grandarchers were literally crapping their pants and were too afraid to play. Their star dragon did not show due to being "arrested" (coward!), the lion was scared so much out of his wits that he didn't know who or where he was half the time, and the media were slagging the high elves and their fans turned their backs. The undead were busy packing weapons for extra punch, and Count Von Drakenbourg was hired. A bad day to be a Grandarcher, one might think.
Clint Eastwood roles receive and charge into the elves, but only manage glancing blows and do no real damage until the first foul, but the ref is alert and sends off immediately. This rallies the Grandarchers who sneak in for a quick TD. Clint's blocks for the rest of the half continue to be mediocre at best, and barely manage to tie the game up at the final play of the half. The weather was so brutally hot that players on both sides had to take breaks.
Second half, the undead fall apart under some brutal bad breaks and several blitzes from the high elves on kickoffs. These elves were tweaking every advantage that came their way, including a heatstroke that left all but 6 undead players in a sweaty heap in the dugout.
After 2 games of steamrolling dwarves and orcs, leaving bodies in piles on the pitch, the Eastwood Roles were simply eager to spill high elf blood, but they could not get the hard hits on the agile ones.
Congratulations to the Grandarchers who got brilliant performances from those brave enough to play, and who overcame a daunting team with skill and timing. ”
“Theres not much I can add here. For the 3rd time in a row, we managed to avoid Virus, despite giving out 5 handicaps in all 3 games, despite this my st4 dragon got arrested an couldnt play, and i was really worried i had no players to stop luthor.
I got a lucky TD in in Manbush drive, when the ref spotted a foul on the LOS, and then it was one slow process of trying to stop luthor ther est of the half. I almost managed to stop him, but a badly placed elf meants Manbush was able to chainpush the count in range again (WELL player there Manbush).
Second half i made a TD without any real chance of Manbish stopping it, and then disaster struck. Heat meant half of Manbush team was out for the drive, including the count, and when i rolled Blitz at the KO, the game was practically over. the ball landed just at the LOs where i had an easy time catching it and protecting it at the same time. Manbush simply did not have the manpower to prevent me scoring again. Top top it all of, i rolled another blitz the following drive and was able to score yet again making it 4-1 and killing a ghoul in the process.
I guess this is the way games go sometimes, it just doesnt feel as good, when its the Kick Off table thats the biggest factor, not your skills. I guess i can learn to live with this particular win though, it WAS a ticket to the FC at stake after all.”
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Clint Eastwood roles receive and charge into the elves, but only manage glancing blows and do no real damage until the first foul, but the ref is alert and sends off immediately. This rallies the Grandarchers who sneak in for a quick TD. Clint's blocks for the rest of the half continue to be mediocre at best, and barely manage to tie the game up at the final play of the half. The weather was so brutally hot that players on both sides had to take breaks.
Second half, the undead fall apart under some brutal bad breaks and several blitzes from the high elves on kickoffs. These elves were tweaking every advantage that came their way, including a heatstroke that left all but 6 undead players in a sweaty heap in the dugout.
After 2 games of steamrolling dwarves and orcs, leaving bodies in piles on the pitch, the Eastwood Roles were simply eager to spill high elf blood, but they could not get the hard hits on the agile ones.
Congratulations to the Grandarchers who got brilliant performances from those brave enough to play, and who overcame a daunting team with skill and timing.