“Another close match turned victory due to numbers. them saurus are nasty buggers to try and take down.. victory to me due to numbers and a few lucky rolls.
#5 Bckssr – Dead (RIP) #11 Lev-ler-nae – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“Lizards get the kickoff and have to use reroll straight away as 4ag skink fumbles. Couple of KOs later, they score. Other way, Humans break armour for the first time and BH a saurus (now 8 lizards fit). Next turn a skink picks up SI (niggle) on a simple dodge... foolishly the apothecary is used because straight away, 4ag skink is given a -ma SI. Now 7 lizards left able to take the field and score is 1-1. After a bad kick saurus takes possession and drives over, pushing a human thrower into the crowd in the action of scoring for a bh and the first reduction to their numbers. 2-1 at halftime. Lizards try to defend but a couple of KOs mean they have no chance at stopping the equalizer. With 7 men back on the field they attempt to go for a winner, but seeing the kroxigor KOd and a saurus killed (his tackler KOd in a pow/skull) straight from the kickoff and the ball bouncing all the way to their own in goal means 5 lizards are trying to make it from one end to the other past 10 humans which was never going to work. The ball carrier was isolated and turned it over and game over. An extremely frustrating match all told.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
good luck to faulcon in his future matches.”