“On a Verry Sunny day in front of 73,000 fans the Boki battled the Grumblers...
As the Grumblers kicked off to start the game, the weather changed to puring rain :( The Boki battled their way down field and finally were able to score on turn 7 to go up 1-0... As the Boki kicked off the weather got nice... Half ended 1-0 Boki...
The Boki kicked off the 2nd half... They played great defense and got the ball away from the Grumblers and finally scored to go up 2-0, which is how the game ended...
As the Grumblers kicked off to start the game, the weather changed to puring rain :( The Boki battled their way down field and finally were able to score on turn 7 to go up 1-0... As the Boki kicked off the weather got nice... Half ended 1-0 Boki...
The Boki kicked off the 2nd half... They played great defense and got the ball away from the Grumblers and finally scored to go up 2-0, which is how the game ended...
Thanks for game...”