Despite a good kick. He was able to defend the ball very well.
2nd turn my Dp fouled out, but Ko'd a beastman with guard.
By T3 Took 2 Bh, and a MNG. No other cas either side for the rest of the match.
T4 he misclicked and doged into 2 tzs. Failed, (RR) failed. Giving me a 1 die blitz shot at his ball carrier.
Push, (RR) Pow. Freed up the ball, and a runner with sure hands swooped in and picked it up in 1 tz.
Blitz dropped him, and he dropped the ball on the sidelines, then bounced into the crowd. Crowd throws it straight back 5 spaces. Runner stands up picks it up again. Blitzed, but he failed a gfi w/ (RR) and runner scores my T5.
Riot 3 turns.
Half, I receive, and make some nifty GFI's to score 2-0, my T2.
Kicking, Good kick again, but lands on a beastmen with guard who catches it. Had the runners dodge in 1tz, and put tz's on the cage. and 1 die blitzed ball carrier. Freeing the ball, and having a great scatter on the side where more of my men are positioned.
After lots of trying, and good rolling, pushed his 1 sure handed guy into the crowd. When he finally did push all the tz away from the ball, Beastman failed to pick it up. Next turn he got it but just delayed him until the end.
Despite a good kick. He was able to defend the ball very well.
2nd turn my Dp fouled out, but Ko'd a beastman with guard.
By T3 Took 2 Bh, and a MNG. No other cas either side for the rest of the match.
T4 he misclicked and doged into 2 tzs. Failed, (RR) failed. Giving me a 1 die blitz shot at his ball carrier.
Push, (RR) Pow. Freed up the ball, and a runner with sure hands swooped in and picked it up in 1 tz.
Blitz dropped him, and he dropped the ball on the sidelines, then bounced into the crowd. Crowd throws it straight back 5 spaces. Runner stands up picks it up again. Blitzed, but he failed a gfi w/ (RR) and runner scores my T5.
Riot 3 turns.
Half, I receive, and make some nifty GFI's to score 2-0, my T2.
Kicking, Good kick again, but lands on a beastmen with guard who catches it. Had the runners dodge in 1tz, and put tz's on the cage. and 1 die blitzed ball carrier. Freeing the ball, and having a great scatter on the side where more of my men are positioned.
After lots of trying, and good rolling, pushed his 1 sure handed guy into the crowd. When he finally did push all the tz away from the ball, Beastman failed to pick it up. Next turn he got it but just delayed him until the end.
Good game.”