CTV 1000k Wood Elf
Norse CTV 1000k
#9 Woliath Anoth – Smashed Knee (NI)
#7 Sirion Sandu – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Woliath Anoth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Horeth Yareth – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#3 Ithil Endor – Dead (RIP)
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Norsemen noved a bit, blitzed. Aarrghh! One dead elf, and I recognize myself again. The Norse surrounded my players that was surrounding the ballholder. One turn of pushing and shoving to get an opening, halfway through it I dodge my Wardancer away to blitz that hole. Ah. There's the turnover, sugarcoated with a Wardancer in the BH box.
Outnumbered, outpositioned.. 0-1 and a few more injured elves within a few turns.
Recieved another kickoff, dropping the ball. 0-2.
And so on.
No shadow over Soaren however, who put up with me doing my best to get my players evicted by fouling (of course I got the Ref, so that option closed pretty soon...) but continued playing ball.
Second half things went pretty all right, but being down to 5 non-skill players and, I have to admit pretty much given up any thoughts on winning...
Thanks to Soaren for the game, and I need to mull on whether I'm cut out to coach Wood elves or not...
...or if the fact that the two games I've played both have seen a dead elf before my second turn.”