- The Slashers get extra training for their handicap.
- Only one re-roll is taken by the Chef.
- Gutter Runner Meesh gets the ball.
- Meesh passes it to Gutter Runner Dorlet who scores. 1 - 0 : 2 Points
-Halfling Grabcleaver Lazytrap gets the ball.
- Treeman The Larch takes root.
- Halfling Rollold Braveleaf II badly hurts Skaven Linerat Lavonder, but is knocked out himself.
- Dorlet badly hurts Halfling Springdough Rustythistle. : 1 Point
- Dorlet smashes the ankle of Halfling Rollold Braveleaf II and the apothecary is not used. : 1 Point
- Skaven Linerat Inforack knocks Grabcleaver Lazytrap out, and Halfling Watchgold Dirtypuddle gets the ball.
- Skaven Linerat Yemax pops Watchgold Dirtypuddle down and Gutter Runner Shrate gets the ball.
- Treeman The Larch tosses Watchgold Dirtypuddle into the crowd and he is knocked out.
- Shrate scores. 2 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get another re-roll from the kickoff.
- The Larch badly hurts Skaven Linerat Hortet, but takes root.
- Halfling Teasemart Cunningglimmer passes the ball to Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap knocks Skavne Linerat Plommel out in a foul.
- The Larch fumbles Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Halfling Setrougue Cunningtrouble pinches the nerve of Skaven Linerat Ubrregates, but he is saved by the apothecary.
2nd half
- One re-roll is again lost to the Chef.
- Halfling Shivwhite Farlock kills Inforack.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap misses a pass to Halfling Rollold Deftsling.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap passes to Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- The Larch badly hurts Yemax.
- Skaven Linerat Korgretior goes down with Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap gets the ball, but is knocked out on a go for it.
- Dorlet gets the ball.
- The Larch takes root.
- Dorlet survives a block by Halfling Nabcrafty Skilledfoot and scores. 3 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get a Blitz!
- Rollold Deftsling passes to Watchgold Dirtypuddle, but the catch is dropped.
- Rollold Deftsling fouls Shrate, but it fails to break the armor.
- Watchgold Dirtypuddle hands the ball off to Shivwhite Farlock, but the catch is dropped.
- Dorlet gets the ball.
- Nabcrafty Skilledfoot fails a go for it to block Dorlet and Dorlet scores. 4 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get a perfect defense.
- Halfling Catcrunchy Artfulsword gets the ball.
- Plommel is knocked out by a foul from Halfing Rollold Breaveleaf II, but is ejected. Coach Enar is then ejected from the match as well for arguing with the ref.
Final Score: 4 - 0 : 2 Points
Coach's Comments:
"Dorlet was unstoppable today! He increased his agility afterwards, a suitable reward for such a performance! The Gentle Snowflakes were anything but gentle however, out-bashing us good! Still, it was a very well deserved victory with lots of bad luck for the Flings. To replace Inforack, I have hired a Stomr Vermin, and the team got lots of points for the Super Blitz Invitational. Thanks for the game Enar! We must have a re-match soon!"”
Key Plays:
1st half
- The Slashers get extra training for their handicap.
- Only one re-roll is taken by the Chef.
- Gutter Runner Meesh gets the ball.
- Meesh passes it to Gutter Runner Dorlet who scores. 1 - 0 : 2 Points
-Halfling Grabcleaver Lazytrap gets the ball.
- Treeman The Larch takes root.
- Halfling Rollold Braveleaf II badly hurts Skaven Linerat Lavonder, but is knocked out himself.
- Dorlet badly hurts Halfling Springdough Rustythistle. : 1 Point
- Dorlet smashes the ankle of Halfling Rollold Braveleaf II and the apothecary is not used. : 1 Point
- Skaven Linerat Inforack knocks Grabcleaver Lazytrap out, and Halfling Watchgold Dirtypuddle gets the ball.
- Skaven Linerat Yemax pops Watchgold Dirtypuddle down and Gutter Runner Shrate gets the ball.
- Treeman The Larch tosses Watchgold Dirtypuddle into the crowd and he is knocked out.
- Shrate scores. 2 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get another re-roll from the kickoff.
- The Larch badly hurts Skaven Linerat Hortet, but takes root.
- Halfling Teasemart Cunningglimmer passes the ball to Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap knocks Skavne Linerat Plommel out in a foul.
- The Larch fumbles Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Halfling Setrougue Cunningtrouble pinches the nerve of Skaven Linerat Ubrregates, but he is saved by the apothecary.
2nd half
- One re-roll is again lost to the Chef.
- Halfling Shivwhite Farlock kills Inforack.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap misses a pass to Halfling Rollold Deftsling.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap passes to Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- The Larch badly hurts Yemax.
- Skaven Linerat Korgretior goes down with Watchgold Dirtypuddle.
- Grabcleaver Lazytrap gets the ball, but is knocked out on a go for it.
- Dorlet gets the ball.
- The Larch takes root.
- Dorlet survives a block by Halfling Nabcrafty Skilledfoot and scores. 3 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get a Blitz!
- Rollold Deftsling passes to Watchgold Dirtypuddle, but the catch is dropped.
- Rollold Deftsling fouls Shrate, but it fails to break the armor.
- Watchgold Dirtypuddle hands the ball off to Shivwhite Farlock, but the catch is dropped.
- Dorlet gets the ball.
- Nabcrafty Skilledfoot fails a go for it to block Dorlet and Dorlet scores. 4 - 0 : 2 Points
- The Slashers get a perfect defense.
- Halfling Catcrunchy Artfulsword gets the ball.
- Plommel is knocked out by a foul from Halfing Rollold Breaveleaf II, but is ejected. Coach Enar is then ejected from the match as well for arguing with the ref.
Final Score: 4 - 0 : 2 Points
Coach's Comments:
"Dorlet was unstoppable today! He increased his agility afterwards, a suitable reward for such a performance! The Gentle Snowflakes were anything but gentle however, out-bashing us good! Still, it was a very well deserved victory with lots of bad luck for the Flings. To replace Inforack, I have hired a Stomr Vermin, and the team got lots of points for the Super Blitz Invitational. Thanks for the game Enar! We must have a re-match soon!"”