“well, I have to say that I think this game was pretty much luck. I pretty much failed to do anything important, scoring wise, and betty's pretty much succeeded with everything important...
but beyond that it were a braw match up, YAR! much pirate talk flew, many pints o grog were gulped, and much mayhem ensued!! But I tell ye true, this matchup were a bunch o elf lovin pansies! no death, not even maimin! and I tell ye, those wenches wernt wearin much armor... or much o' anythin! Betty's played a braw game, better than me own, and they had the luck o the devil to boot... I was defeated from the first! we lads put up a good fight though...
interesting fact: to the best of our recall, betty's only failed two dodges during the game (out of 3+ per turn), one on the last turn of the first half when it no longer mattered, and one on the last turn of the second half (when it no longer mattered).
why were there no deaths, niggles, or stat decreases in a pretty bashy all av7 game with light fouling? the world may never know....”
but beyond that it were a braw match up, YAR! much pirate talk flew, many pints o grog were gulped, and much mayhem ensued!! But I tell ye true, this matchup were a bunch o elf lovin pansies! no death, not even maimin! and I tell ye, those wenches wernt wearin much armor... or much o' anythin! Betty's played a braw game, better than me own, and they had the luck o the devil to boot... I was defeated from the first! we lads put up a good fight though...
interesting fact: to the best of our recall, betty's only failed two dodges during the game (out of 3+ per turn), one on the last turn of the first half when it no longer mattered, and one on the last turn of the second half (when it no longer mattered).
why were there no deaths, niggles, or stat decreases in a pretty bashy all av7 game with light fouling? the world may never know....”