“I may have won but this game hurt. To quote Stormy Waters from Sealab 2021... "It hurts real bad, where I pee." 2 Turn TD in the 1st half. Then I spent the rest of the half eating dirt as I buried his ball handler under prone elves. "We'll clog their rivers with our dead!" 2nd half he starts to march it down field. Ghoul neatly sandwhiched between two guarding Golems. That makes life a bit difficult. After the setup on Turn 6, he floods my side, I manage to make some amazing rolls. Pick up the ball, hand-off to catcher in 2 TZs, dodge out of tackler TZ, short pass to other catcher and TD for the win.
Apoth fail on my only thrower... ech. Only for him to be rezzed, put on the line, throw a 2d red block against my tree and get double pow.
I'll have to be careful with my next couple games. Why couldn't he kill a couple of line-elves? Why the 90k thrower and a 90k catcher?
Apoth fail on my only thrower... ech. Only for him to be rezzed, put on the line, throw a 2d red block against my tree and get double pow.
I'll have to be careful with my next couple games. Why couldn't he kill a couple of line-elves? Why the 90k thrower and a 90k catcher?