CTV 1890k Amazon
Skaven CTV 2160k
#2 Siamese – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#2 Siamese – Broken Neck (-AG)
#4 Troz – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Troz – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#6 Tres Blind – Dead (RIP)
#9 Glon – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"Man, what can you do? We hacked our way through the field, scored, but if there's a ball on the ground, some Gutter Runner will score with it, despite the punishment we inflicted upon them. Two Gutter Runners down, probably never to play again. We killed two rats, but one got back up again. All that punishment and still they scored and scored."
Ceilican, Bastet Blitzer
"Yeah baby! I'm back in my game again! Nothing like some rats to get the blood lust going. *guzzles Bloodweiser*"
Calico, Bastet Thrower
"Erm, no, that wasnt exactly as I intended. I'm a thrower, I was supposed to throw it. But there just wasnt anyone practically open, so I moved the ball. Then I moved again, hoping someone would open up. But they didnt. So I moved right into the end zone."
Sokto, Bastet Lineniggler
"What? I never even stepped onto the field today, how did I get MVP? Was someone drunk on Bloodweiser and didnt watch who was playing?"
Furrball, Bastet Linewoman
"Hard work! Damn rats dont like falling down, you have to MAKE them fall down. And still, if even one remains standing, they'll pick up the ball and teleport to the other end. Why does the ref not ban those teleporters? Why the last time I brought my spiked knuckles..."
Khan, Bastet Catcher
"Finyan has an attitude problem. That's to say, he's too good natured. What ever happend to Wild Beasts that just stand there and roar with rage?"
Crinos, Bastet Catcher
"What? Two touchdowns and not one by a catcher?"