“Dem stoopid louzy undead gun an scorded more dan us... we wuz robbed... and we dun urt nuffin.... Rannos nearly got imslef killed and it woz all orribul...
Afta da much dis little Grot comez up ta me... hiz name waz Soddit and he sez "yooss iss playin da game like panzeess"
I woz so angree dat I grabbed da snot by da neck but he sez
"lissen Bogdag iss a well good chucka but now wun iss a well good catcha or runna and Rannos iz da only good dodga and look where dat nearly got him... I hass been a fan of da Madboyss... baack when you smashed dem elvses and da ratses but now your playin like elvses... trying ta pass and score touchdownss..."
Da soddin git woz roight... I ate to admit it but e woz... "roight den. Soddit yo iz now on da team" I said " We iz startin a noo era of da Madboyz, We iz back ta bashin... We iz back ta smashin, We iz back ta FOULIN! Ladees and Gentlameeen, Grotz and Snotz WELCUM TO DA WAAAGH! WAAAGH SODDIT!!! ”
“The League got off to a strong start in the early moments of the first half as the orcs lost possession of the ball due to a failed completion by legendary Madboy thrower Bogdag Ballchucka. Mina Harker, waiting near the action was quick to capitalise, launching herself on the ball and sending it towards Gentleman star player Dorian Gray who all but killed orc blitzer Rannos Vizygyre before speeding towards the orc end zone for an early touchdown. Only the craft of the Madboy apothecary saved the greenskin from an untimely end.
Furious that they had lost the initiative in the early quarter, the orcs sped into action and some trademark ball work by Ballchucka and Madboy up-and-comer Grag Dhakungolgar saw a reciprocal touchdown for the lads of Mork. It was only Turn 6 and with the scores at 1 each it was anyone's game.
The end of the first half was fast and furious with an unlikely pass by Rodney Skinner to new Gentleman player Tom Sawyer sealing a second touchdown for the gentlemen and a secure lead for the team.
The second half opened with the gentlemen sealing the ball around captain Allan Quartemain in a traditional manner but then everything seemed to go wrong. Some very misguided tactics saw Mina Harker run forward before realising she couldn't muster any protection and being forced to double back and pass the ball back to Sawyer with only her skill partially making up for the coaches incompetence. *wince* The greenskins were quick to capitalise on the mistake and soon one of the Madboyz' formidable blitzers was charging up the field. In the end it was only due to the incredible efforts of Mr. Gray that a touchdown was averted as he dodged, weaved and slammed a one dice block into his opponent, managing to scatter the ball into the crowd and back onto the turf. Ballchucka made a lunge for the ball and managed to pick it up again only to have Dorian Gray make another herculean effort, stunning the poor orc thrower and leaving the ball skidding to the ground at the feet of Mina Harker. A quick pass to Quartemain and a charge up the field led to an unlikely touchdown in the 8th turn.
// Bad luck on those dice cata. After my screw-ups in the second half I was really expecting a draw. Good coaching //
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Afta da much dis little Grot comez up ta me... hiz name waz Soddit and he sez "yooss iss playin da game like panzeess"
I woz so angree dat I grabbed da snot by da neck but he sez
"lissen Bogdag iss a well good chucka but now wun iss a well good catcha or runna and Rannos iz da only good dodga and look where dat nearly got him... I hass been a fan of da Madboyss... baack when you smashed dem elvses and da ratses but now your playin like elvses... trying ta pass and score touchdownss..."
Da soddin git woz roight... I ate to admit it but e woz... "roight den. Soddit yo iz now on da team" I said " We iz startin a noo era of da Madboyz, We iz back ta bashin... We iz back ta smashin, We iz back ta FOULIN! Ladees and Gentlameeen, Grotz and Snotz WELCUM TO DA WAAAGH! WAAAGH SODDIT!!! ”