“An excellent start for the rodents against the hapless chaos. Zus the gutter runner got his season of to a great start managing to score 2 TD and bailed his teammates out of a few sticky situations.
In an ironic twist the Rodents managed to turn the hitting game of chaos against them injuring 4 players in the first half. This despite thier rat ogre being unable to get into the game.
Faced with this onslaught the chaos team seemed to lose its composure failing to provide any resistance in the second half with a series of cataclismic turnovers.
The only downside of the win was the loss of 2 players for the next match however the rodents were able to recruit an apothcary to thier cause to prevent any more injuries from curtailing thier season.
#3 Zaph – Broken Ribs (MNG) #6 Errrg – Broken Ribs (MNG) #7 Mustafa – Broken Ribs (MNG) #7 Mustafa – Serious Concussion (-AV) #11 Varix – Dead (RIP)
“A disastrous match for the Kiddies, 4 casualties suffered in the first quarter of the game stopped any assault before it could begin as the Rodents came charging out of the blocks and caught us unprepared.
Managing to still inflict 2 casualties and restrict the rodents to only 2 touchdowns means that the result wasn't as bad as it could have been. The Kiddies will start the next match with only 6 players, hopefully they can restrict any damage in that match and start to turn their season around.
The death of Varix was dissapointing, however with an apothecary now employed the Kiddies can maybe now start to flex a bit of muscle and take the game to their opponents.
Votes for Rodents
3 - Jonald Zus
2 - Maxson Desug
1 - Zald Meanhelmet”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In an ironic twist the Rodents managed to turn the hitting game of chaos against them injuring 4 players in the first half. This despite thier rat ogre being unable to get into the game.
Faced with this onslaught the chaos team seemed to lose its composure failing to provide any resistance in the second half with a series of cataclismic turnovers.
The only downside of the win was the loss of 2 players for the next match however the rodents were able to recruit an apothcary to thier cause to prevent any more injuries from curtailing thier season.
Votes for Kiddies
3 - Furball
2 - Nemesis
1 - Mustafa”