“damn what a way to lose that one. Sneaky gutsy GR blitzes me for two die my choice, both pushpows, I go down scoops the ball, and dodges clear of two different setups of mutliple dodges in TZ's to socre and win the game
“was a good match, complety out strenghted, thou he had block scattered, and no tackle, so i have MA on my side, thou the question was.... was i going to have anyone left on the pitch for it to make any diffrence.
Turns out the first half thsi was to be the case, managed to set up a sly TD after i pulled the Tainted in close to the ball, and i was able to spread his line thin, enought for a single rat to be free.
2nd half, turned ugly the moment my apoc was used, in the same turn the apoc was uses 4 players left the pitch, 2 of then for the rest of the match. thou i managed to chip away at his ball carrier untill it forced him to hand off to a Chaos warrior.
by this time #4 Ulcess Cyst had had enough and took maters into his own hands, and blitzed for he ball which by some miracle worked and his agility managed to get him to the line.
Talk about lucky bugger.
3 Votes #4 Ulcess Cyst < Smarmy rat. >
2 Votes #11 Bilesore Splitlip
1 Vote #8 Chargegear Cackle