“Sooner or later a team will take a dive and for the Fairyland Fighters it was payday. They just played lousy. The trees got rooted, the blocks were missed and they actually got outbashed by a team of goblins despite having 3 treemen. Not a proud day...
Thankfully no permanent cripples were inflicted and it was a good choice to let my 2 treemen get BH'd in the end when the match was lost anyway, because the cheating goblins scored a fatality with their ripper in the final turn.
Congrats to the win goffmogg, and good luck with the team.”
Thankfully no permanent cripples were inflicted and it was a good choice to let my 2 treemen get BH'd in the end when the match was lost anyway, because the cheating goblins scored a fatality with their ripper in the final turn.
Congrats to the win goffmogg, and good luck with the team.”