“Despite the total inability for the Tings to Pass or even hand off the ball, and the ~44% Foul Appearance failures, Nuffle was totally not against them as the casualties mounted up for the foe. ”
“Absolutely, positively, definitively the single most retarded game I've ever seen.
Yet another case of the luck-o-meter not telling the real story. First block of the game... SI by the Elves, and it just got more and more ridiculous from there on.
I'll have to check the replay, but I bet there were more blocks that broke armor against the Rotters than blocks that didn't. Seriously.
By the end of turn 4, second half, there were 2 Sons left. 5 KO, 2 BH, 1 SI, and 1 RIP. Fecking stupid.
It's official - the Degenerate Sons were knocked down 26 times in this game: their armor was broken 16 of those times. I got totally Nuffled!”
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