The apoth paid for himself. The single RR didn't affect me much. Ironically, my first roll of the 2nd half was a 1 to pick up the ball. I RRd that. That was my only failure. I only suffered the one SI that I apoth'd. Everything else was stun. Nothing higher. wow.
Tathar had compartmental luck. He got a total of 3 RRs from Brilliant Coaching. He made every single KO roll for the game. On the other hand, he rolled all the double skulls, plenty of skull/pow with his RO, double 1s on a GR dodge to SI him and double 1s on a Thrower ball-pick-up.
This was a defensive win for me. I don't mean to be an ASCII, but your skaven offense needs work.”
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The apoth paid for himself. The single RR didn't affect me much. Ironically, my first roll of the 2nd half was a 1 to pick up the ball. I RRd that. That was my only failure. I only suffered the one SI that I apoth'd. Everything else was stun. Nothing higher. wow.
Tathar had compartmental luck. He got a total of 3 RRs from Brilliant Coaching. He made every single KO roll for the game. On the other hand, he rolled all the double skulls, plenty of skull/pow with his RO, double 1s on a GR dodge to SI him and double 1s on a Thrower ball-pick-up.
This was a defensive win for me. I don't mean to be an ASCII, but your skaven offense needs work.”