“Nocturama wins against the Rats! Our first half defense was horrid and De Lux could score easily. On our offense we made it priority A to get rid of the Claw-PO Rat Ogre. The third gang-foul made him go BH and Nocturama could then advance in a cage and score without much opposition.
Our second half offense was an 8-turn cage grind that left the outnumbered Rats with little chance to get the ball. We did slip up in turn 7 and allowed a 1d blitz on the ball carrier, but Nocturama could still recover the ball and score pretty easily.
GG klas, see you around.”
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Our second half offense was an 8-turn cage grind that left the outnumbered Rats with little chance to get the ball. We did slip up in turn 7 and allowed a 1d blitz on the ball carrier, but Nocturama could still recover the ball and score pretty easily.
GG klas, see you around.”