“A close game that I really should have won. With Reo making a dreadful mistake for my first TD and luck going my way in the blocks to help me steal the ball and score a second, 2-0 up and 3 black orcs blockers out for the second half means I should have been able to finish this game off.
I had diabolical luck in the second half. Everything failed... 2-1 up and receiving, the first block was a turnover, consuming a reroll. Next turn the rerolled blitz on his ball carrier knocked out my beastman. Next two turns two failed dodges, and I was out of it. Still, time to score the winner, but failed the gfi over the TD line and no rerolls left.
We both had bad luck at points in this game. The difference is I could do nothing about his TDs whereas he made genuine mistakes for mine. Still, close match, and thanks for the game Reo.”
I had diabolical luck in the second half. Everything failed... 2-1 up and receiving, the first block was a turnover, consuming a reroll. Next turn the rerolled blitz on his ball carrier knocked out my beastman. Next two turns two failed dodges, and I was out of it. Still, time to score the winner, but failed the gfi over the TD line and no rerolls left.
We both had bad luck at points in this game. The difference is I could do nothing about his TDs whereas he made genuine mistakes for mine. Still, close match, and thanks for the game Reo.”