“Well, this was the worst game I ever played with Amazons! And of course my timing was just perfect - the first league game!
I made a mistake by choosing a wing early and allowing the Orcs to crowd that area of the field, rather than spreading the play and delaying the final direction of attack. From then on, I entertained the hope of a score, ignoring the falling girls, but in the end the percentages played out and my team was severely reduced, with nothing to show for it.
Lesson: it's right to have a goal, but that should not supercede the reality of the current tactical situation!
Once the intial mistake was made, the game was basically over, having few players and being under pressure to try and regain possession. A shame, as my opponent deserved a stiffer test.
I was caught in a dilemma - whether to try and prevent scores, or preserve my team at all costs! I treid a mixture of the two and was not overly succesful with either. In hindsight I probably should have abandoned the ball completely and gone for a few isolated casualties whilst avoiding hits on my girls. After all, you don't get SPP for preventing touchdowns! Just a sense or pride...
...in the past my succesful Amazon strategy has always been to score then shut out the game at 1-0. I am therefore quite loathe to accept touchdowns against, whatever the circumstances. In this game I failed even to score myself, let alone defend!
Rus to his credit played a perfect strategy, and dragged me into his team's style of play. Well done! I will follow his games with interest - I am eager to see what strategy can beat this team!
Thanks too for the detailed game report - this enables me to see what else went wrong! I'm tempted to try and forget this game, but suspect there's invaluable learning material in there if I can bear to revisit!
In sum, an absolutely cracking start for the Orcs, whilst the 10 remaining Amazons go back to training camp for the week...
“The first game of the first AFL Western Conference Season was a clash between two of the favourites. The skills and teamwork of the Amazon maidens versus the power of the durable Orcs. Each team has a strong style of play that brings sucess, but which would draw the first blood in this 7 game Conference?
First Half
Turn 1
Amazons received in the first half, and their turn was ended by a turnover from a 1 dice block. The Orcs quickly moved into a long line 2 squares into their own half, with 1 safety.
Turn 2
The Amazons chose to swing down the Orc left wing, moving 2 squares down the pitch. the Orcs responded by grouping up around the Amazons on the left wing and LOS
Turn 3
The Amazons made a 1 dice risky block and a turnover occured...this turned out to be the decisive moment of the first half. As a result of the turnover, Orc Lineman Wellynose, Blocks and kills Kelly the Zon blitzer. The rest of the Orcs bunch up a bit tighter around the Amazons. Fred makes a two dice block and a turover occurs..both Orc rerolls gone by now!!
Turn 4
Zons move ball carrier 5 squares further up the Orc half, and cover partially, leaving a BOB to the rear of the ball carrier. 4 Zon rerolls used by now. The orcs cause 3 KO's on the Zons in this turn and pinned the Zons to the edge 2 squares of the pitch.
Turn 5
Ball Carrier makes a 2dice Block on the BOB left to rear of the Zon cage, attempting to push the GREEN GIANT off the pitch, the Orcs chose Both Down, and a Zon turnover occurs. The Orcs press up close to the remaining Zons, and the ball is carried loose by Broggi, who promptly passes but the catch is failed on the LOS.
Turn 6
A sole Zon tries to reach the ball and fails the pick-up. A blitzer takes her out, and Broggi collects the ball and advances up field.
Turn 7
The Zons got cold sweats and failed to stand up. The Orc thrower moves further up field whilst being covered.
Turn 8
The Zons were still sweating cold, and the Orc thrower scored 1-0 to the Orcs....
Second Half
Turn 1
The Orcs received in the second half, but Broggi the thrower was stunned by a rock on the kick-off. The Orcs make a series of Blocks and 2 Blitzers run back to help Broggi the next turn. It is at this point that Hard Harry the BOB injures a Zon, forcing her to Miss the next game. The Zons responded by trying to swing round the Orc left again, to threaten the ball next turn.
Turn 2
The Orcs moved to surround both the split parties of Zons, whilst Broggi the thrower picked himself up, brushed himself down and with 2 Blitzers covering him, he picked up the ball. The Zons doged away from the two Orc parties threatening them with harm:-)
Turn 3
The Orcs pushed the ball up to a cage half way up their own half on the right wing. Whilst other Orcs surrounded the Zons remaining on the Orc right, ahead of the cage. The Zons mved the players from the Orc left to threaten the cage.
Turn 4
An Orc semi-cage is formed on the LOS to the Orc right wing, pushing a Zon lino off the pitch in the process. The Zons manage to break the rear of the Orc cage, but do not get a Tackle zone on the Thrower holding the ball.
Turn 5
Orc Cage adavances 5 squares into Zon half, leaving a rearguard to occupy the Zons. The angry Zons swarmed over a blitzer, pushing the green nutter off the pitch.
Turn 6
Broggi the ballcarrier moved to the centre right of the Zon half, 3 squares from the TD line, with his escort covering. The Zons realised the game was up and ganged up on the Orc rearguard around the LOS.
Turn 7
The Orcs stalled and moved Broggi and escort to centre left. The Zons ganged up on the Orc rearguard again.
Turn 8
Broggi scored his second of the match. 2-0 to the Orcs.
The kick-off saw an Orc blitz that enabled them to get a tackle zone on the ball. A breif Zon flurry of blocking saw the game fizzle out.
A very professional orc performance saw them keep control of the ball for the entire game following the Amazon mistake in Turn 3 of the first half. The BOB's with there STR4 were very useful deterrants, forcing the Zons to avoid key parts of the pitch, near the ball carrier.
I could almost sense Pras's frustrtation when he could not get a blitz in on the ball carrier at anytime for 12 consecutive turns either side of half time.
Well played mate, that Turn 3 block going wrong reaaly did change the game fo you. good luck mate:-)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I made a mistake by choosing a wing early and allowing the Orcs to crowd that area of the field, rather than spreading the play and delaying the final direction of attack. From then on, I entertained the hope of a score, ignoring the falling girls, but in the end the percentages played out and my team was severely reduced, with nothing to show for it.
Lesson: it's right to have a goal, but that should not supercede the reality of the current tactical situation!
Once the intial mistake was made, the game was basically over, having few players and being under pressure to try and regain possession. A shame, as my opponent deserved a stiffer test.
I was caught in a dilemma - whether to try and prevent scores, or preserve my team at all costs! I treid a mixture of the two and was not overly succesful with either. In hindsight I probably should have abandoned the ball completely and gone for a few isolated casualties whilst avoiding hits on my girls. After all, you don't get SPP for preventing touchdowns! Just a sense or pride...
...in the past my succesful Amazon strategy has always been to score then shut out the game at 1-0. I am therefore quite loathe to accept touchdowns against, whatever the circumstances. In this game I failed even to score myself, let alone defend!
Rus to his credit played a perfect strategy, and dragged me into his team's style of play. Well done! I will follow his games with interest - I am eager to see what strategy can beat this team!
Thanks too for the detailed game report - this enables me to see what else went wrong! I'm tempted to try and forget this game, but suspect there's invaluable learning material in there if I can bear to revisit!
In sum, an absolutely cracking start for the Orcs, whilst the 10 remaining Amazons go back to training camp for the week...