“That was a good match. Sadly the sadly thing (semiOT) was missed and FF roll.
It came quickly good for us, with several early casualties. But orcs came back in the end of the match, and pushed many of us in the box. We started for the Last turn at 7 on the field (and starting with 15, good job orc ! Sadly there was not enough dead especially stars or the nigler).
Headsplitter helped a lot, and he was needed. I prefer not to think of the match if he were not there. ”
It came quickly good for us, with several early casualties. But orcs came back in the end of the match, and pushed many of us in the box. We started for the Last turn at 7 on the field (and starting with 15, good job orc ! Sadly there was not enough dead especially stars or the nigler).
Headsplitter helped a lot, and he was needed. I prefer not to think of the match if he were not there. ”