“The Ancients found a new Hero today with Entrails pulling some special moves out of his proverbial
Bad Luck Tribal Nuffle had a say in this one
3 votes Nads (despite losing the ball late and tripping over trying to hit Entrails) the score and his solid presence made up for Sanchez's time in the KO tent
2 votes Grug great trench work for the Lad (and St4 is a pain)
1 vote Fatrug for the CAS and possibly the best dwarf name I've seen (I have visions of an obese dwarf with a combover) ”
Bad Luck Tribal Nuffle had a say in this one
3 votes Nads (despite losing the ball late and tripping over trying to hit Entrails) the score and his solid presence made up for Sanchez's time in the KO tent
2 votes Grug great trench work for the Lad (and St4 is a pain)
1 vote Fatrug for the CAS and possibly the best dwarf name I've seen (I have visions of an obese dwarf with a combover)