“They had the power in the blocks, we had power with the ball. Despite being low on numbers for most of the game - usually starting plays 3 players down to Body like a Battleaxe - Topper struggled with the mobility of my side. We were helped, in no small measure, by the opposing ogre. When he was not scratching his head he was knocking himself down. If ever you need to see a match as an example of how big guys can be detrimental to a team, this one is it.
I only made one real mistake in this game. I tried to accomplish too much in a turn. I had the ball available [1 tz] and two players left to move who needed to dodge - an AG4 and an AG3. I wanted to score with the AG3. Instead of doing the important stuff first [getting the ball safe with the AG4] I tried to move the AG3 into a position from which he could receive the ball. Dodge failed [2+ rerolled]. That allowed Topper to score his touchdown - albeit slightly fortuitously with a number of successful rolls. So it could have been 4-0... damn!
To be honest I was quite lucky in several moments, like knocking down his catcher without block or tackle. Still, it was a sweet victory.”
I only made one real mistake in this game. I tried to accomplish too much in a turn. I had the ball available [1 tz] and two players left to move who needed to dodge - an AG4 and an AG3. I wanted to score with the AG3. Instead of doing the important stuff first [getting the ball safe with the AG4] I tried to move the AG3 into a position from which he could receive the ball. Dodge failed [2+ rerolled]. That allowed Topper to score his touchdown - albeit slightly fortuitously with a number of successful rolls. So it could have been 4-0... damn!
To be honest I was quite lucky in several moments, like knocking down his catcher without block or tackle. Still, it was a sweet victory.”