Nuffle was whimsical on this day. First of all, the overpowered Chaos team were able to rip the ball out of the mighty Nurgle teams tentacles and score. After that, Nuffle took pity on the Rotters, enabling them to take advantage of Schola's bad luck. In the end, the Rotters played a superb game, converting mis-handled balls and failed blocks into touchdowns.
3 points: Annihilator
Despite not living up to his name of destruction, he was in the right position both times to pickup the ball and run it into the endzone.
2 points: Karamazou
This solid player was able to disrupt several attempts to free the ball. This enabled the rotters to be in position to win the game.
1 point: Dragula
The living nightmare walking around on the field was able to remove one of the beasts off the field, and spoiled several attempts to get the ball free of the scrum as well with his massive tentacles.”
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2 points: #11 Campitor
1 point: #6 Bellator (my kind of player ;-)”