“Coach tzilacatzin has always enjoyed facing the teams of coach Oblitzamanger. This was no exception, but the Puppies came out much worse for wear. Three casualties in the first three turns made things difficult, especially when the murderer, Sphyrna Lewini was discovered and obliterated. Despite the best efforts of Isurus oxyrinchus to lose the game by continually rolling 1's, the Puppies somehow were able to find the end zone by sneaking past the bone heads. All in all, this was a good, tight game with plenty of blood to go around. Even one of the beasts was badly hurt by the casualty machine, Stegostoma fasciatum.
“The team came roaring off the pitch. "You guys may have lost your lead, but you did some real damage, and I'm proud of you. For me, even though we didn't win, my revenge was good enough by destroying a Werewolf," Coach Oblitzamanger said.
Long ago, Oblitzamanger's Orc team Ball Rushers had played Basket Full of Puppies in it's infancy and lost 2 - 1. Now, with a 1 - 1 draw, but with a serious death, he was satisfied.
Flomp'm said to the team in the huddle, "I thinks the dead doggie was a murderer-er. He tolds me he ate the little gobbos, and I kills him."
At this news, the team was overjoyed. After eleven more games of searching, they had finally found another murderer, the first one to be found in . "Great job Flomp'm! I am very proud of you all. For this, we must have a celebration!"
The Ogres and the coach were out all night boozing in celebration of the murderer's funeral.”
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Another quality match vs a quality coach.