“The humans were weak today. OK the claw did his work today, but he was only responsible for 2 cas and there were 5 in total and 1 dodge which ended in a BH also. I think the dark days of the end of the year, made them a little bit sleepy and soft.
Never the less I'm glad I won, cause there is no lost-5-in-a-row-prize.=) And there were a lot of SPP to earn. Now there are a lot of players coming near to their 2nd skill. Always nice.
NickNutria hope to meet you again on a better day for a rematch. Enjoy your games.”
Never the less I'm glad I won, cause there is no lost-5-in-a-row-prize.=) And there were a lot of SPP to earn. Now there are a lot of players coming near to their 2nd skill. Always nice.
NickNutria hope to meet you again on a better day for a rematch. Enjoy your games.”