“After suffering their first loss of the season the game before the Woodies bounced back with a bang against Kelly LUVSdaElf. The boys played a near flawless game and left the humies with no chance.
3pts: Blueman - A quality player who did not recieve enough assistance from his teammates
2pts: Cat Meow Meow...Meow - Tried his best to put the Woodies on the floor and has a good tackling technique.
1pt: Elyestiousinfectious - Managed to out foul the WDDs all on his lonesome and was also kind enough not use the sharp spikes
Thanks for the game Damage good luck next season.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3pts: Blueman - A quality player who did not recieve enough assistance from his teammates
2pts: Cat Meow Meow...Meow - Tried his best to put the Woodies on the floor and has a good tackling technique.
1pt: Elyestiousinfectious - Managed to out foul the WDDs all on his lonesome and was also kind enough not use the sharp spikes
Thanks for the game Damage good luck next season.”